Is a stock DSLR capable of shooting the Rosette Nebula?
2021年4月6日 · Absolutely! I shot the Rosette using my Canon 600D and Redcat51 (250mm focal length). The link below is the picture after 247 mins total exposure time (I think subs were combination of 120s and 300s) but I did crop it a bit to frame it nicely.
Rosette Nebula with an unmodded DSLR : r/astrophotography
2021年10月10日 · The Rosette Nebula is an emission nebula located in the Monoceros constellation around 5,200 lightyears away and 65 lightyears across. The nebula is also sometimes referred to as "The Skull Nebula" as it resembles the shape of a human skull in one of the orientations. On Astrobin. My Instagram for more astrophotography. Equipment:
Rosette Nebula : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2023年2月18日 · My second attempt at the Rosette Nebula. This time with much more integration time (around 6 times more). I did some curves trickery to bring out the dimmer blues in the image to kind of recreate the Hubble pallet SHO look. Let me know what you think. Setup: - Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T7 (unmodified) - Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III
Rosette Nebula with an unmodified DSLR, possible?
Here is The Rosette Nebula made with a stock, uncooled DSLR and 107 mm aperture lens, 29 one-minute exposures at ISO 1600. No darks, no flats, no bias. No darks, no flats, no bias. Natural color.
Rosette Nebula : r/seestar - Reddit
Took a mosaic on the rosette, stacked all the panels in PI. I combined the mosaic together in Astro Pixel Processor bc I was gettin wierd holes and other odd results combining the mosaic in PI. I brought the image back to PI, did my normal processing flow for Seestar, and then ran it through Photomator to scale it up.
Will more exposure time bring out the rosette nebula? Or am I
2022年2月8日 · The frame over the Rosette nebula was 11 minutes total exposure time. The image shows the relative brightness of the Rosette compared to other nebulae in the region. The Rosette is pretty bright, only surpassed by Orion nebula, M42. Single 30 second exposures from the 105 mm lens show the colors nicely.
Rosette Nebula : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2024年1月6日 · The Rosette Nebula in SHO - 28 hours, 40 minutes upvotes ... The Soul Nebula in SHO with RGB stars - 48 ...
The Rosette Nebula / Skull Nebula : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2022年12月24日 · This is a wide shot of the entire Rosette Nebula! Luckily for me, this big old target dodges a few of my neighbor's trees and allows me to image it throughout the night(s). I took 247 3-minute exposures totaling 12 hours 21 minutes of total exposure time, composed of 3 filters; Sulfur, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.
The Rosette Nebula : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2024年4月18日 · The rosette nebula and associated star cluster are about 5,000 light years from earth. This image is 16 five minute exposures or 1hr and 20minutes. I used an Optolong L-eXtreme filter to isolate only the Ha and OIII bands of light, effectively eliminating the light pollution from the city.
Rosette Nebula OSC : r/astrophotography - Reddit
2024年2月25日 · Rosette Nebula Imaged from a Bortle 6 location William Optics GT71 with 0.8 reducer Main Camera: ASI2600MC Guide Scope: ZWO Mini Guide Guide Camera: ASI224MC Filter: L-eXtreme Acquisition: Lights: 69x300 seconds (gain 100, 0C) Flats: 50 Dark Flats: 50 Captured with Astrophotography Tool Processed in PixInsight using HOO method.