Ross Sapote or Canistel? - Tropical Fruit Forum
2012年9月21日 · Hello, What is the difference in taste between Ross Sapote and Canistel? I found one reference on the Internet saying that Ross Sapote is slightly sweeter and has a …
Ross Sapote or Canistel? - tropicalfruitforum.com
2020年10月12日 · In most places they have the same season which will be over about 3/4 months.In my area and with my Ross fruiting 3 times a year at odd times and the canistel …
Seedling Ross Sapotes and Canistels - Tropical Fruit Forum
2021年4月19日 · Ross Sapote should be pumpkin shaped? In the absence of a genetic analysis and knowing the definition of species is rubbery and changing, especially for fruits in …
Varieties of Ross sapote - Tropical Fruit Forum
2017年5月7日 · Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think Ross is a named variety of sapote. It's a sapote named Ross.
ross sapote - Tropical Fruit Forum
2015年10月24日 · this ross sapote has been in the same 25 gal pot for the past 3-4yrs it fruited heavy the first year after it was planted in the pot, then very lightly the second year, now it's …
Ross Sapote seeds Germination and Other questios - Tropical Fruit …
2024年2月20日 · Re: Ross Sapote seeds Germination and Other questios « Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 04:44:49 PM »
Best rootstock for green sapote? - Tropical Fruit Forum
2016年4月11日 · I guess I have two questions: 1. Is ross sapote == canistel (Pouteria campechiana)? It seems like the answer is yes, or perhaps more accurately ross sapote is a …
Ross Sapote or Canistel? - Tropical Fruit Forum
2020年10月13日 · The only time I've been able to actually taste a fell ripened Canistel is when they fall from the tree, and of course this helps no one : ( I have harvested Canistel when they …
Inverted Root Grafted Ross Sapote Update
2012年12月12日 · Here is the update on one of 2 Ross Sapotes I grafted (on inverted rootstocks, of canistel). The other tree rotted from the bottom of the scion to the top, with visible mold on …
Inverted Root Grafted Ross Sapote Update
2013年3月23日 · Jeez louise, this ross sapote tree I grafted (on an inverted rootstock), grows slower than ever...and has barely leafed out. It doesn't have the mickey mouse scar yet...I …