Round 1 Ginowan City - Ginowan, Okinawa - Japan Travel
2013年10月5日 · The Round 1 Sports and Entertainment Stadium is like a Dave and Busters - or if you must, a Chuck E. Cheese's - that's seven stories tall, includes 38 bowling lanes, 27 karaoke rooms, a dozen good-sized outdoor sports courts, three restaurants, and several snack bars.
【ラウンドワン】ラウンドワンスタジアム 沖縄・宜野湾店|店舗 …
【ラウンドワン】ラウンドワンスタジアム 沖縄・宜野湾店 の営業時間や所在地、電話番号、アクセスなどの店舗情報を掲載しています。
Round 1 - Total Okinawa
2011年10月1日 · Round 1 sports center in Ginowan. Open from early til late featuring indoor activities for kids and adults close to Tropical beach and convention center.
Round 1 Entertainment Center - Okinawa Hai
Round 1 is a 24-hour amusement place that offers bowling, arcades, sports, karaoke, food and drinks. It has much to offer everyone of all ages – read on to find out more! Entrance
【沖繩親子景點推介】Round 1 STADIUM - DayDayTravel.hk
2023年9月7日 · Round 1 STADIUM是個大型室內綜合遊樂運動場館,在日本各地有很多分店,沖繩則有兩間店,我們今次去的是宜野灣店,裡面設施十分多,有小朋友最愛的跳彈床、波波池和溜滑梯,又有各式各樣的球類運動設施遊戲,還有電玩區,這裡還可以玩到Gokart車、平衡車、小型電單車和滾軸溜冰,買票入場後全部都是免費任玩,真的十分抵玩! 無論大人和小朋友都會超級喜歡! Round 1 STADIUM位於宜野灣市,距離那霸市約20分鐘車程,行程安排上可以從那霸市 …
Round 1 - This One's For The Little Kids - Okinawa Hai
2009年8月30日 · On the fifth level of Round 1 is a large kid’s area. Around the perimeter is a small track with tricycles and even a little motorized car for kids to race each other. Within that track are three separate play areas. One with a slide …
Round 1 Stadium Okinawa Ginowan - Wanderlog
Round 1 Stadium Okinawa Ginowan is a massive entertainment complex spanning seven floors, offering a wide range of activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy arcade games, batting cages, basketball courts, soccer fields, bowling alleys, karaoke rooms, and more.
【ラウンドワン】ラウンドワンスタジアム 沖縄・宜野湾店|料金表
Round 1 Ginowan City - Japan Airlines - JapanTravel
2013年10月5日 · Round 1 can't be missed as it towers above the roadway with a couple of gigantic bowling pins on the Route 58 Bypass just south of Tropical Beach and the Okinawa Convention Center. The top four floors contain Round 1's Spo-Cha all inclusive recreation area for a set fee depending on the amount of time desired.
Round One Stadium Okinawa Ginowan Bowling Alley
Third floor (I believe it's the third) is a break from the chaos of Round One and offers a recluse of massage chairs and other chairs in a quiet setting to read books and manga at your leisure. Fourth floor has, pool tables, and the entrance to the upper floors to play open air sports.