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专业生产研发:MINI效果器,双踏效果器,鼓机LOOPER效果器,数字效果器,吉他音箱功放,调音器,变调夹,节拍器等乐器配件. 地址:深圳市南山区科技园科苑北路科兴科学园B1栋701室. 电话:0755-8667-2186 传真:0755-8667-2105. 手机:18576680738. 邮箱:[email protected]. ©2025 ROWINMUSIC 版权所有. 粤ICP备12057625号|本站支持 -- …
Rowin Booster Pedal with Rich Distortion Sound True Bypass LEF …
2016年7月22日 · True distortion booster pedal, featuring double +/- 15db equalization to achieve the purest sound with the least loss. Generate the rich distortion sound and make it more powerful. Pedal Gain Knob: Adjust the degree of distortion tone from Electric Guitar. Turning clockwise increases the degree of distortion while maintaining the guitar notes.
Rowin Pedals - Tonebox.com
Rowin creates musical accessories and effects pedals that offer up the most amount of features at prices that will not hurt your wallet. If you are planning to get into looping, take a glance at Rowin’s budget-friendly LN-332 Looper or its LN-321 Blues for a creamy, blues-based overdrive.
SHENZHEN ROWIN MUSIC CO., LTD..... Specialized Manufacturing: Mini Pedals,Digtal Pedals,Twin Pedals,Analog Pedals,Tuners,Metors,Accessories.....
Company Overview - Shen Zhen Rowin Music Co., Ltd
Rowin WS-30 Wireless Guitar System Transmitter & Receive for Electric Guitar Bass Violin with Amp Chargeable Digital Transmitter
Shenzhen Rowin Music Co., Ltd. Is an energetic and technological innovative company, dedicated in researching, manufacturing and marketing electronic musical instruments and audio equipments, by applying the state-of-the-art technology into our products.
Amazon.com: Rowin Pedals
Rowin Vintage Vacuum Bluesy Guitar Effect Pedal - True Bypass, Aluminum Alloy Chassis, Portable
Rowin 提供效果器系列、LOOPER系列、数字效果器、模拟单块效果器、调音器、节拍器和变调夹等乐器配件。
Rowin Pedals - Reverb
Rowin produces effects pedals and musical accessories that offer up the maximum amount of features at musician-friendly prices. If you're looking to get into looping, take a look at their affordable LN-332 Looper, or their LN-321 Blues for creamy, blues-based overdrive.