Royal Flash (film) - Wikipedia
Royal Flash is a 1975 British adventure comedy film based on the second Flashman novel (of the same name, 1970) by George MacDonald Fraser. It stars Malcolm McDowell as Flashman.
Royal Flash (1975) - IMDb
Royal Flash: Directed by Richard Lester. With Malcolm McDowell, Alan Bates, Florinda Bolkan, Oliver Reed. Ne'er-do-well Captain Harry Flashman (Malcolm McDowell) is coerced by Otto Von Bismarck (Oliver Reed) into impersonating a Prince.
Royal Flash - Wikipedia
Royal Flash is a 1970 novel by George MacDonald Fraser. It is the second of the Flashman novels. It was made into the film Royal Flash in 1975 and remains the only Flashman novel to be filmed. Royal Flash is set during the Revolutions of 1848.
Royal Flash movie review & film summary (1975) | Roger Ebert
Lester’s hero is Capt. Harry Flashman, a cowardly scoundrel and womanizer who’s the hero of a series of swashbuckling comic novels by George MacDonald Frazer. On the surface, he’s the ideal product of a top British school and Her Majesty’s Service; tall, handsome, impeccable, just enough of a cad to keep an edge on. But we know better.
权贵幻觉 Royal Flash - 豆瓣电影
1975年10月2日 · 上尉Harry Flashman, 是个胆小、好色而且虚伪的人,他拼命地想挤进欧洲的上流社会。 一个偶然的机会,他的朋友建议他假扮成普鲁士贵族,来接近一个美丽的女公爵,虽然计划有瑕疵,可是Harry还是这么做了。 果然,计划的败露了,他不得不远走高飞,可是一路上他的灾难接踵而来... 笑得停不下來。 Bismarck被黑die。 Flashman和Sternberg這對很有愛。 (Alan Bates是Bi。 英国版成龙。 有一些影评被折叠了 为什么被折叠?
Royal Flash - Rotten Tomatoes
Capt. Harry Flashman (Malcolm McDowell) is an unapologetic rogue who'll stop at nothing to advance himself. In London, he seduces Lola Montez (Florinda Bolkan) away from Otto von Bismarck (Oliver...
Royal Flash (The Flashman Papers, #2) - Goodreads
2001年1月1日 · Flashman, the arch-cad and toady, matches his wits, his talents for deceit and malice, and above all his speed in evasion against the most brilliant European statesman and against the most beautiful and unscrupulous adventuress of the era.
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Royal Flash
The second packet of the Flashman Papers—that great collection of manuscript discovered in a saleroom in Leicestershire in 1965—continues the career of the author, Harry Flashman, from the point where the first instalment ended in the autumn of 1842.
德州扑克里的专业术语你知道几个? - 哔哩哔哩
1.皇家同花顺(royal flush):由AKQJ10五张组成,并且这5张牌花色相同. 2.同花顺 (straight flush):由五张连张同花色的牌组成. 3.4条(four of a kind):4张同点值的牌加上一张其他任何牌. 4.满堂红(full house)(又称“葫芦”):3张同点值加上另外一对. 5.同花(flush):5张牌花色相同,但是不成顺子. 6.顺子(straight):五张牌连张,至少一张花色不同. 7.3条(three of a kind):三张牌点值相同,其他两张各异. 8.两对(two pairs):两对加上一个杂牌. 9.一 …
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