Sakamoto Ryōma | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
薩長同盟の立役者であり、亀山社中(のちの海援隊)の結成、大政奉還の成立に尽力するなど明治維新に大きく貢献した志士の一人。 飄々とした20代半ばの青年。
Sakamoto Ryōma (Lancer) | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
They are only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Servant cannot be summoned. This article is about 5 Sakamoto Ryōma. For 4 , see Sakamoto Ryōma. AKA: AKA: Also Known As Oryō (お竜?? ATK: ATK: Servant's minimum and maximum attack stat without Status Up Cards.
罗摩 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2024年10月6日 · 印度两大叙事史诗之一,「罗摩衍那」的主人公。 罗波那,据说唯有人类才有资格将其打倒。 作为某国的皇子转生成为了凡人。 这便是罗摩。 インドにおける二大叙事詩の …
坂本龙马 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
2025年1月15日 · 萨长同盟的中心人物,是为龟山社中(后世的海援队)的缔结,以及大政奉还的成立等提供了帮助,为明治维新做出了重大贡献的志士之一。 言行洒脱的二十多岁青年。 北辰一刀流的达人,但本人是个不喜欢争斗的彻头彻尾的老好人。 身旁总有个谜之美女相伴。 薩長同盟の立役者であり、亀山社中(のちの海援隊)の結成、大政奉還の成立に尽力するなど明治維新に大きく貢献した志士の一人。 飄々とした20代半ばの青年。 北辰一刀流の達人であるが、本 …
Sakamoto Ryouma - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Sakamoto Ryouma WP (坂本龍馬 WP, Sakamoto Ryōma?), Class Name Rider (ライダー, Raidā?). is the Masterless Rider -class Servant summoned by the Counter Force in the Imperial Capital Holy Grail Strange Story of Fate/KOHA-ACE and Fate/type Redline. He is also summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer) | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Sakamoto Ryoma WP (坂本龍馬 WP, Sakamoto Ryōma?), Class Name Lancer (ランサー, Ransā?), is a Lancer -class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. A patriot who shot through Japan during the Bakumatsu period.
Sakamoto Ryouma | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
30% revolutionary hero, 30% detective and 40% cute dragon stalker, Sakamoto Ryouma’s aloof appearance belies his charming optimism and idealism. An Arts Rider whose main attributes are his supportive capacity, Ryouma and Oryou-san are a goofy yet competent duo who serve as a DPS / Support Hybrid for Arts-centric teams.
Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer) | Servants - GamePress
A very solid AoE Arts Lancer, Ryouma is a highly capable damage dealer for farming and challenge quests, albeit nothing groundbreaking. Ryouma does not have a particularly unique …
Rabbit's Reviews #311: Sakamoto Ryouma (5* Lancer)
2021年11月22日 · Ryouma is, in a word, excellent. He’s an AoE Arts Lancer with a 50% battery and a fantastic spread of buffs. He has low base NP refund, which limits (but does not …
Fate/Grand Order/Servant/Rider/Sakamoto Ryoma - NamuWiki
2025年1月15日 · This article deals with the in-game performance of Ryoma Sakamoto (Rider), a Servant from Fate/Grand Order. For character traits, personalities, and actions during the work, please refer to Rider (The Tale of the Imperial Castle) and Ryoma Sakamoto (Fate series) .
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