Full-Auto Shootout: Comparing the RPD & RPK Light Machine Guns
2018年6月14日 · The RPD’s rate of fire is noticeably faster than that of the RPK, which is sedate and more than adequate to allow singles and doubles from an experienced trigger finger. By contrast, the RPD produces bursts comparable to those of Germany’s WWII-era MG 34. It’s not a challenge to burn through a 100-round drum in a hurry.
RPD和RPK:两挺不同的轻机枪,都是苏军步兵班主力 - 知乎
RPD和RPK,是两挺不同供弹方式的轻机枪,当年,都是装备苏军 步兵班 的班用机枪,两者发射相同的7.62×39毫米 中间威力步枪弹,有效射程基本上相当都在1000米距离内。
RPD VS RPK : r/guns - Reddit
2013年10月15日 · RPD is a wholly different beast than an RPK; The former is a belt-fed light machine gun, the latter is a glorified AK an automatic rifle. Kits on RPKs are tight, both RPK and RPD kits seem to run ~$500 with RPD receivers costing …
2019年4月17日 · RPK本身的结构是基于AK突击步枪,也可以采用75发弹鼓供弹,并且供弹具与AK突击步枪可以相互通用,可以看作是一种重型的AK系列步枪。 RPD轻机枪机枪在1944年定型,所以实际上它是一种二战时期的设计,由于定型时间较晚并没有参加过二战。 RPK则是在1961年定型,目的是取代RPD机枪,RPK取代RPD机枪是一个非常正确的明智之举。 相比之下RPK轻机枪更具优势,首先RPK轻机枪比RPD轻机枪结构简单不少,有利于战场保养维修, …
为什么PLA的56枪族里班用机枪不仿造RPK而是RPD? - 知乎
2018年4月10日 · RPK班用轻机枪是苏联在1959年换装AKM之后,和AKM一起换装的,代替RPD,但是换装也拖了比较久,在苏军60年代的一些影像资料里还能看到老的RPD在用。
RPD vs RPK - was it a mistake to replace it?
2024年1月3日 · Designed for sustained automatic fire, the RPD is a belt-fed light machine gun. In contrast, the RPK is a magazine-fed light machine gun that shares its chambering of 7.62x39mm but features a design reminiscent of the AK-47 assault rifle.
RPK vs. RPD. Which one would you choose? - 020mag.com
The RPK is a Soviet light machine gun. Besides having the same structure than the AK47 (but this is not an AK47 with a large barrel, it’s different!), it uses the same munitions than the common assault rifle designed by Mijail Kaláshnikov.
2021年1月10日 · 1950年代初为了统一全军轻武器制式化,RPD轻机枪也被引进到我国,与西蒙诺夫SKS半自动步枪和AK47突击步枪在1956年仿制成功,构成了我军第一代班用武器,被命名为56式轻机枪,通过部队使用后的反馈建议,在1963年改进为56–1式班用轻机枪,主要改进就是它 …
RPK - RPD Differences - AK Rifles
2009年12月7日 · RPD was the older light machinegun, RPK replaced it. RPD belft fed, RPK uses AK mags and the larger mags and all drums were made for the RPK not the AK. RPD only in 7.62, RPK has been made in 5.45, 5.56 & 7.62. RPD had a milled receiver, RPKs have been made milled and stamped.
RPK and RPD | Machine Gun Around The World Wiki | Fandom
The RPK (Ruchnoy Pulemyot Kalashnikova, Russian: РПК Ручной пулемёт Калашникова or "Kalashnikov hand-held machine gun") is a Soviet 7.62×39mm light machine gun, developed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the early 1960s, in parallel with the AKM assault rifle.