pDest_pK7WG2_pRPS5A_CTP OleGFP - Addgene
Plasmid pDest_pK7WG2_pRPS5A_CTP OleGFP from Dr. Shin-ichi Arimura's lab contains the insert RPS5A promoter, RecA1 plastid targeting signal upstream of attR1, GFP downstream of attR2 and is published in Nat Plants. 2021 Jul;7(7):906-913. doi: 10.1038/s41477-021-00954-6.
顶刊!Nature-生物传感器:用于生长素可视化的生物传感器 - 知乎
Highly efficient multiplex editing: one-shot generation of 8×
2021年2月12日 · For editing in Arabidopsis, we previously identified the RPS5a promoter element as highly suitable in direct comparisons (Ordon et al., 2019), and it also proved very efficient together with zCas9i (Grützner et al., 2020).
Auxin Triggers Transient Local Signaling for Cell Specification in
2006年2月1日 · The RPS5A::ER:MP construct was generated by first cloning PCR-amplified hormone binding domain from human estrogen receptor (ER; Greene et al., 1986) into the N terminus of an HA-tagged MP cDNA (Weijers et al., 2005), and then transferring ER:MP:HA into GIIK RPS5A-tNOS.
Reporters for sensitive and quantitative measurement of auxin …
2015年2月2日 · We therefore generated lines that express DII-Venus and mDII-Venus from the RPS5A promoter, which is active in most dividing cells 21 and thus encompasses most sites of auxin response in growth...
RPS5A Promoter-Driven Cas9 Produces Heritable Virus
2021年12月1日 · The RPS5A promoter-driven SpCas9 successfully produced monoallelic mutations at three target genes in N. attenuata seeds with TRV-delivered guide RNA. These monoallelic mutations were found in 2%-6% seeds among M 1 progenies.
Epidermal injury-induced derepression of key regulator
2023年2月23日 · We also performed the same experiments using the RPS5A»GFP-ATML1 line and found that GFP-ATML1 was induced in the outermost mesophyll cells upon estradiol treatment, regardless of mannitol ...
The PLETHORA Genes Mediate Patterning of the
2004年10月1日 · We generated activator lines in which a modified GAL4 protein is expressed under the control of the RPS5A promoter (pRPS5A-GAL4) and target lines carrying PLT1 or PLT2 coding sequences downstream of the UAS promoter (UAS-PLT).
On the trail of auxin: Reporters and sensors - Oxford Academic
2022年6月16日 · In this case, a single RPS5A promoter drives the expression of both the auxin-sensitive DII-VENUS and TagBFP (encoding blue fluorescent protein, which is not degraded and thus provides a reference for normalization), separated by the 2A sequence.
RpS5b is a germline ribosomal protein and RpS5a is
In Drosophila melanogaster there are two genes encoding ribosomal protein S5, RpS5a and RpS5b. Here, we demonstrate that RpS5b is required for oogenesis. Females lacking RpS5b produce ovaries...