In-situ TEM observation of ReRAM switching - IEEE Xplore
Structural changes of a ReRAM (resistive random access memory) during the resistive switching was successfully observed for the first time by in-situ TEM. We succeeded the observation for the three kinds of ReRAM devices with different ReRAM materials.
Monolithic three-dimensional integration of RRAM-based hybrid …
2023年11月6日 · In this work, we report an M3D chip of RRAM-based hybrid memory architecture for efficient implementation of one-shot learning, where the RRAM-based CIM, TCAM and buffer arrays serve different...
in-depth physical understanding of conductive filament evolution. By adopting pulse-train operation for an RRAM device with 3-bit potential, the relative standard deviations of resistance levels are improved up to 80% compared to the single-pulse scheme. The observed exponential relation between the saturated resistance and the pulse amplitude ...
Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM): an Overview of …
2020年4月22日 · In this manuscript, recent progress in the area of resistive random access memory (RRAM) technology which is considered one of the most standout emerging memory technologies owing to its high speed, low cost, enhanced storage density, potential applications in various fields, and excellent scalability is comprehensively reviewed.
Understanding the switching mechanism in RRAM using in-situ TEM
2016年9月29日 · In this talk, we show that a direct observation of the mechanisms responsible for the switching phenomena in metal/oxide/semiconductor (MIS) RRAM stacks is possible by retrofitting a TEM sample holder with an electrical feed-through to a STM tip that applies an electrical bias to the MIS RRAM stack of interest.
Review of electrical stimulus methods of - RSC Publishing
2022年6月2日 · Focused on in situ TEM techniques, this review article introduces in situ TEM setups and the corresponding sample fabrication process for RRAM research. Then, the electrical stimulating methodologies including pulse and direct current voltage applied to RRAM are introduced, followed by the summary of electron holography to characterize the ...
Switching operation and degradation of resistive random access …
2015年11月27日 · In-situ transmission electron microscopy (in-situ TEM) was performed to investigate the switching operation of a resistive random access memory (ReRAM) made of copper,...
《阻变存储器 Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM ... - 博客园
2024年6月24日 · 摘要(Abstract) 阻变存储器(Resistive Random Access Memory,RRAM)技术在过去的数十年间重大进步使得其成为下一代非易失存储(Non-Volatile Memory,NVM)的充满竞争力的候选之一。 本书是基于金属氧化物的RRAM技术从器件制造到阵列结构设计的综合性教 …
A novel high-performance and energy-efficient RRAM device with …
2021年4月1日 · Advanced TEM are used to analyze the structural transformation of Pt/AlOx/ZnO/Ti RRAM after resistive switching. The device contains ultra-low power consumption, which is benefit to construct energy-efficient integration circuits. The device could be operated without forming process and setting compliance current.
Resistive Random Access Memory Device Physics and Array …
2021年1月10日 · Resistive random-access memories (RRAM) has garnered much interest in recent decades as a strong candidate to replace conventional memories like NAND flash, SRAM and DRAM. In contrast to the electrical charge changes in …