RSM Global | Assurance, Tax and Consulting Services
RSM is a powerful Network of assurance, tax and consulting experts with offices all over the world. As an integrated team, we share skills, insight and resources, as well as a client-centric approach that’s based on a deep understanding of your business.
RSM International - Wikipedia
RSM International, branded RSM since 2015, is a multinational network of accounting firms based in London, United Kingdom. [2] RSM is the sixth-largest accountancy professional services network in the world by revenue. [3] [4] RSM's member firms are independent accounting and advisory businesses, each of which practices in its own right and is unified as part of the network.
体成分分析相关指标 - 百度文库
RSMI =AppenLean Mass / Height2 (kg/m2) 以下情况可判断为Sarcopenia(肌质减少症或者肌肉衰减综合征): A.RSMI低于正常青年人2个SD值,即:T ﹤ -2.0; B.男性RSMI小于7.26 kg/m2(适合所有种族); C.女性RSMI小于5.45 kg/m2(除黑人以外所有种族均适用);
CDD Conserved Protein Domain Family: RsmI - National Center …
2020年10月2日 · RsmI is an S-AdoMet (S-adenosyl-L-methionine or SAM)-dependent methyltransferase responsible for the 2'-O-methylation of cytidine 1402 (C1402) at the P site of bacterial 16S rRNA. Another S-AdoMet-dependent methyltransferase, RsmH (not included in this family), is responsible for N4-methylation at C1402.
About us - RSM Global
RSM is a powerful Network of assurance, tax and consulting experts with 65,000 staff in 900 offices and 120 countries around the world.
是谁偷走了我们的肌肉(中)? - 澎湃新闻
2022年3月11日 · (1)相对骨骼肌质量指数(relative skeletal muscle index,RSMI),即四肢骨骼肌的质量与身高平方的比值。 当RSMI低于青年对照组2个标准差以上或男性RSMI<7.26 kg/m2、女性RSMI<5.45 kg/m2时,即可判定为肌肉衰减症。
肌肉衰减症的营养干预 - 中华医学信息导报 - Yiigle.com
主要参考以下指标:(1)相对骨骼肌质量指数(relative skeletal muscle index,RSMI),即四肢骨骼肌的质量与身高平方的比值。 当RSMI低于青年对照组2个标准差以上或男性RSMI<7.26 kg/m 2 、女性RSMI<5.45 kg/m 2 时,即可判定为肌肉衰减症。
怎样计算RSMI - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
瘦多囊:究竟瘦的是什么? ——骨骼肌与糖代谢的关系 - 知乎
瘦的是肉、是骨骼肌——瘦多囊虽然体质量、体脂率、骨骼肌率都正常,但就是骨骼肌质量指数(rsmi)过低、内脏脂肪指数(vfi)偏高。 这一高一低,同样会导致胰岛素抵抗 ,导致糖代谢及生殖内分泌紊乱。
RSM US | Assurance, tax, consulting services for the middle market
RSM US LLP is the leading U.S. provider of assurance, tax and consulting services focused on the middle market.