2024年12月2日 · RSTP 增加了三种端口角色: 替换端口 (Alternate Port) 、 备份端口(Backup Port) 和 边缘端口(Edge Port) 。 替换端口 为 网桥 提供一条 到达根桥 的备用路径 ,当根端口或主端口被阻塞后, 替换端口将成为新的根端口 。
33 张图详解 RSTP 、MSTP、替代技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
那么 RSTP 就是 3 种状态,即 丢弃状态 ( Discarding )、 学习状态 ( Learning )和 转发状态 ( Forwarding )。 学习和转发状态保持不变,和 STP 中的定义相同。 如果交换机的接口连接的是终端设备,比如 PC 、服务器、打印机等,而不是其它交换机的接口,那么这些接口不太可能造成环路。 我们就可以将交换机的接口配置为 边缘接口 ( Edge Port ),边缘接口默认不参加生成树计算。 当边缘接口被开启后,立即切换到转发状态并开始收发数据流量,而不用经历转发 …
RSTP(端口角色+端口状态+工作机制)|||| 交换机接口分析_rstp端 …
2022年8月1日 · 本文详细介绍了rstp(快速生成树协议)的端口角色,包括根端口、指定端口、替代端口和备份接口,并通过图解进行了清晰展示。此外,还深入解析了rstp的端口状态、协商机制、拓扑改变机制以及bpdu老化时间,揭示了rstp比stp更快收敛的原因。
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - GeeksforGeeks
2021年11月29日 · RSTP is the more improved and advanced version of STP which is a layer 2 protocol that prevents bridge loops and broadcast storms in local networks with redundant connections. Rapid spanning tree protocol has faster convergence and it is also backward-compatible with STP.
2022年3月31日 · RSTP定义了两种全新的端口角色:Backup Port(备份端口)和Alternate Port(预备端口)。 Backup Port(备份端口):Backup Port就是由于学习到自己发送的配置BPDU报文而阻塞的端口,为指定端口的备份,提供了另外一条从根节点到叶节点的备份通路。 Alternate Port(预备端口):Alternate Port就是由于学习到其它网桥发送的配置BPDU报文而阻塞的端口,提供了从指定桥到根的另一条可切换路径,作为根端口的备份端口。 RSTP将原来 …
Rapid Spanning Tree (RSTP) - NetworkLessons.com
Rapid spanning tree only has three port states: You already know about learning and forwarding but discarding is a new port state. Basically, it combines the blocking and listening port states. Here’s a nice overview: Port active in topology? Learns MAC addresses? Do you remember all the other port roles that spanning tree has?
What is Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol? – RSTP Network - Inst Tools
To solve the problem of looping and network congestion, Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) defines the ports in the network as four types – root, designated, alternate, and backup. Refer to the below image.
What Is the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)? | FS Community
2024年12月27日 · The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is an enhancement of the original Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) designed to provide faster convergence in a network topology. Defined in the IEEE standard 802.1w, RSTP serves the primary function of preventing loops in Ethernet networks by creating a loop-free logical topology.
STP Flavors - Network Playroom
2017年9月15日 · The charts below, taken from the excellent blog packetlife.net by Jeremy Stretch, summarize important information about STP. The first chart briefly introduces the key differences between each STP version. The second chart illustrates the evolution of the STP standards. Click here to get more info.
RSTP Rapid SpanningTree Protocol (RSTP) also creates a single spanning tree over a network. Compared with STP, RSTP provides for more rapid convergence to an active spanning tree topology. RSTP is defined in IEEE standard 802.1D-2004. By default, the device operates in …