RTAI | RTAI home page
This is the homepage of RTAI - the RealTime Application Interface for Linux - which lets you write applications with strict timing constraints for your favorite operating system. Like Linux itself, …
RTAI | RTAI home page
What is RTAI? RTAI means Real Time Application Interface. Strictly speaking, it is not a real time operating system, such as VXworks or QNX. It is based on the Linux kernel, providing the …
RTAI | RTAI home page
RTAI is a true community project. Just download and try it out - the developers are looking forward to your comments, ideas and other help to make RTAI one of the best realtime …
RTAI | RTAI home page
A new release of the official RTAI User Manual containing 2 new chapters: 3rd which covers how to work with the CVS and 5th which explains the schedulers. Chapther 4 has also some new …
RTAI | RTAI home page
RTAI and the RT-Linux patent. The following statement by Eben Moglen, General Counsel of the Free Software Foundation clearifies the legal situation of RTAI users with regard to the …
api.c File Reference - RTAI
Recall that RTAI schedulers allow only higher priority tasks to preempt the execution of lower priority ones. So equal priority tasks cannot preempt each other and rt_task_yield() should be …
RTAI init_module does a few important things: • initializes all of its control variables and structures; • makes a copy of the idt_table and of the Linux irq handlers entry addresses; • …
RTAI | RTAI home page
In such a situation one can save the overhead of using a hard real time scheduler, e.g. those made available by RTAI or NMT-RTL (http://www.rtlinux.org/), and do all what is needed from …
RTAI | RTAI home page
RTAI home page
RTAI | RTAI home page
The RTAI users’ mailing list is the primary communications medium for discussion of all kinds of problems and ideas. If you need help, if you want to contribute something to the project, or if …