RTN_250_VISHAY (威世)_RTN_250中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创商城
RTN_250 VCC | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
2025年3月24日 · RTN_250 VCC LED Mounting Hardware MOUNTING RING CLIP RTN250 datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
RTN_250 Visual Communications Company - VCC | 光电器件
在 DigiKey 订购 Visual Communications Company - VCC RTN_250 (RTN_250-ND)。了解库存和定价,查看产品技术规格,然后在线订购。
RTN_250 Visual Communications Company - VCC - DigiKey
Order Visual Communications Company - VCC RTN_250 (RTN_250-ND) at DigiKey. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.
RTN_250 Spring Retainer for LPC and LPCR Series Light Pipe 1 your first call for illuminated components www.vcclite.com 1.800.522.5546 10/17 Rev 1 Key FeaturesKey features • • secure and uniform placement of the light pipe to the panel • provides areliable solution for high-vibr tion environments • field-proven design
change r.005 to r.015;p/n was clv now rtn kh visual communications company, inc. unless otherwise specified dimensions are in inches: drawing is the sole property of 2/16/10 6/28/02 5/00 2/17/99 revised per ecr111009az01 whole without the written permission any reproduction in part or as a edges .030 max k.howard 2/16/10 rtn 250 001 n/a a b 001 ...
RTN_250 by VCC (Visual Communications Company, LLC)
Buy RTN_250 with extended same day shipping times. View datasheets, stock and pricing, or find other Lighting Accessories.
VCC (Visual Communications Company) RTN_250 - RS Components
VCC's LITEPIPE® provides a method of transmitting the light of a SMD LED to the display panel. Vertical and horizontal PCB and SMD LEDs can be displayed in this manner. The LITEPIPE® is also capable of blending multicolor LED light into a single color.
RTN_250 VCC - LEDs - Distributors, Price Comparison, and
Octopart is the world's source for RTN_250 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. Find the best pricing for VCC RTN_250 by comparing bulk discounts from 12 distributors.
RTN_250 EDA | CAD 3D Model Download | Digikey - Digi-Key …
View and download the available symbols, footprints and 3D models for RTN_250 from Digikey now!