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分体式微波 - 华为 - huawei
RTN 900系列的产品主要包括RTN 905、RTN 910A、RTN 950、RTN 950A以及RTN 980,所有产品均采用模块化设计,基于同一平台支持多条微波路径。 RTN 900系列是业界首个TDM/Hybrid/分组/路由一体化IP微波传输系统,实现“四模一体”,同时满足2G、3G以及LTE时代宽带数据业务的传递需求和未来5G演进诉求。
Huawei RTN 910 | products OptiX RTN910 vaya
The OptiX RTN 910 supports channel bandwidth from 3.5 MHz to 56 MHz at air interfaces. The OptiX RTN 910 supports QPSK to 1024QAM modulation with QPSK/16QAM strong
RTN 910 Product Description (V100R001C00 - 01)
This document describes the features, structure, configuration, networking and application, network management system (NMS), and performance indexes of the OptiX RTN 910 radio transmission system. The information in this document is provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.
RTN 900系列 - 华为 - huawei
华为5G微波RTN900系列采用载波聚合(CA)、MIMO、超高调制模式等技术,最大化提升了微波频谱价值, 最大可实现10Gbps带宽接入,满足未来5G时代单用户最大10Gbps带宽的要求。 业界唯一支持端到端MPLS-TP以及IP/MPLS (L3 VPN)的IP微波,可构建面向连接的分组网络,支持TDM/ATM/IP全业务承载,在保护现有网络投资的情况下,支持面向分组化网络的平滑演进。 率先提供高精度1588v2和同步以太,满足2G/3G/LTE基站对相位同步和频率同步的要求,节约了 …
Huawei Optix RTN 910a Datasheet
The Huawei OptiX RTN 910A is an integrated microwave transmission system that can aggregate up to 6 radio links to support convergence. It provides a platform for TDM, hybrid, packet and routing services with interfaces up to 10GbE and a switching capacity of 60Gbps.
Huawei RTN910A Radio Transmission System OptiX RTN 910A
The OptiX RTN 910A provides a generic platform for TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing microwave transmission, meeting the backhaul requirements of various mobile networks. The OptiX RTN 910A is highly integrated microwave equipment, with one 1 U chassis supporting a maximum of six microwave links.
Huawei OptiX RTN 910A Price - ORMSystems
The OptiX RTN 910A is a new generation integrated microwave transmission system developed by Huawei, which can be installed easily and configured flexibly. It supports the convergence of up to 6 radio links, and supports multiple protection schemes. The OptiX RTN 910A provides a generic platform for TDM/Hybrid/Packet/Routing microwave transmission.
Huawei OptiX RTN 910 Support Guide, Manuals & PDF – Huawei
OptiX RTN 910 Enterprise Network Microwave: Access product manuals, HedEx documents, product images and visio stencils.
RTN 900 Brochure (910&950) V2.0 | PDF - Scribd
The RTN 910 is a new generation integrated radio transmission equipment developed by Huawei that supports TDM, hybrid, and pure packet transmission. It provides various service interfaces and transmission solutions while being flexible to configure and easy to install.