RTN 980L - huawei
rtn 980l是华为公司的新一代ip长距微波传输设备,满足超宽带和全ip化的发展趋势。rtn 980l支持最大16gbps容量,同时支持中频合成和最大12路增强物理链路聚合(epla)等。rtn 980l可灵活部署,在一些光纤难以部署的场景中,可以代替光纤对传送网进行补网。
RTN 980 - huawei
RTN 980L is the new generation IP longhaul microwave tailored to fit ultra-broadband and all-IP trends. RTN 980L supports a maximum capacity of 16 Gbit/s, IF combination, as well as the aggregation of 12 links in an enhanced physical link aggregation (EPLA) group.
The OptiX RTN 980L provides a large capacity and supports long haul radio transmission. It mainly applies to long haul trunk and metropolitan backbone networks. The RTN 980L has flexible design with full indoor, split mount and all outdoor installation methods, 1+0, 2+0, 3+0, 4+0 agile Branch Unit make it easy to suit for the challenge
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2019年3月21日 · The OptiX RTN 980L provides a large capacity and supports long haul radio transmission. It can transmit Ethernet and SDH/PDH services separately or in hybrid mode. The OptiX RTN 980L applies to the following scenarios: large-capacity and long haul trunk transmission, large-capacity microwave ring network, or aggregation and backhaul on a
华为 OptiX RTN 980L 故障处理,问题咨询和精品案例 - 华为
OptiX RTN 980L企业微波:包括案例、故障处理、HedEx文档、配置手册、软件下载、补丁升级、工具、产品公告、视频、论坛等内容。
OptiX RTN 980L Product Description (Split LH) - studylib.net
Product description for OptiX RTN 980L Radio Transport System. Details network applications, components, features, and functions.
【官网】RTN980L_上海初成信息科技有限公司 - ccitel.com
OptiX RTN 980L Long Haul系统基于强大的TDM/Hybird/Packet一体化的IDU 980L平台、高性能高功率RFU及灵活扩展Branching unit(BU)构建。 主要应用于长途骨干网或城域骨干网的微波传输。
Huawei OptiX RTN 980L V100 Quick Installation Manual
View and Download Huawei OptiX RTN 980L V100 quick installation manual online. Radio, Split LH, Outdoor Components, Compact BU. OptiX RTN 980L V100 microphone system pdf manual download.
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