RTSS - Community overlay skins and presets | guru3D Forums
2021年10月21日 · RTSS without Afterburner 2022 [1080p, x2] [7.3.3 build 26004] Collection of Text Overlays that work with RTSS alone, without MSI Afterburner.
New better quality icons for MSI Afterburner and RivaTuner …
2021年10月26日 · Here's some improved quality icons (256px x 256px) which support being shown in "Large icons" and "Extra large icons" on Windows. Feel free to integrate them with the app executable / .ico...
GitHub - Unknxwn007/RTSS-Overlays: A collection of overlays for ...
A collection of overlays for Rivatuner Statistics Server. Run install-me.cmd and it will copy all OVL (RTSS extension for overlay files) files to the overlay directory.
Statistics server not showing up - guru3D Forums
2009年5月9日 · If you only want to access RTSS GUI and if you enabled the option "single icon mode" in the User Interface settings of MSI AB the RTSS icon is hidden, to say it launches RTSS with parameter...
这个检测怎么什么窗口都显示啊 有办法只在游戏里显示吗【微星吧 …
1、使用RTSS为特定游戏添加规则,只在游戏中启用显示叠加。 2、在RTSS中设置全局的“Application detection level”为“None”,以防止在非游戏程序中显示监控信息。 3、在MSI Afterburner中设置快捷键,方便在游戏中快速开关监控信息。
BreadPitch/THE-RTSS-Overlay - GitHub
Provides a sleek, yet pretty complete overlay for use with RTSS / RivaTuner Statistics Server, using all the possibilities RTSS 7.3.6 provides. Made for AMD Ryzen + RDNA 1/2/3, but trimmed down for compatibility with most CPUs and GPUs. Can …
An elegant RTSS Overlay to showcase your benchmark stats in style.
An elegant RTSS Overlay to showcase your benchmark stats in style.
咨询下 hwinfo+rtss 的 overlay editor 设置 - PC数码 - Stage1st
2023年3月11日 · 决定使用 hwinfo+rtss 这个方案,一开始是在 hwinfo 里调 OSD ,但感觉不太好用,所以用 hwinfo 开共享内存支持,rtss 启用 overlay editor.dll。 目前是调成了这样,有几点想改进,但是不知道怎么做:
(Not Joking) Need help actually opening the RivaTuner Statisitics ...
2018年1月3日 · I have the latest versions of Afterburner and RTSS installed, the OSD works just fine in game....except the RivaTuner Statistics Server technology screen will not appear and I do not know how to enable it. I've tried killing the processes and running it again, enabling different settings, restart...
Rivatuner - Official website
You can now use the tray icon menu to move the window to any display and maximize it there. Thus, all window layout settings are made on the main display, which is especially convenient when using DesktopOverlayHost with a mini display installed inside the PC case.