CFOP Speedsolving Method - J Perm
Cross, First 2 Layers, Orientation, Permutation (CFOP) is the most popular method for speedsolving the Rubik's Cube. It is the method used by all 3x3 world record holders in the last decade. Make sure you know how to read move notation to follow the tutorials.
3x3x3 CFOP Guide
Learn the CFOP method for solving the 3x3 cube, used by world-class speedcubers. A must-know technique for advanced cubers at GANCUBE website.
Rubik's Cube Solution With Advanced Fridrich (CFOP) Method
The Rubiks' Cube Friedrich method (CFOP) solves the cube layer by layer using algorithms in each step, not messing up the solved pieces:Cross,F2L,OLL, PLL
Speedcubing Guide - SolveTheCube
This guide takes you through every step of the CFOP speedcubing method. The name CFOP comes from the steps involved (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL), and you may also see it referred to as the Fridrich method (after Jessica Fridrich, who helped turn …
魔方小站魔方高级玩法速拧CFOP教程 (视频教程+单个公式视频演 …
CFOP是魔方速拧最常用的方法,几乎所有的顶尖魔方高手包括魔方速拧世界纪录保持者都在用这个方法。 CFOP的意思是我们要分四步还原魔方,分别是:底层十字 (Cross)->同时对好前两层 (F2L)->调整好最后一层的朝向 (OLL)->调整好最后一层的顺序 (PLL) CFOP完全版需要背的公式比较多,有100多个,CFOP简版教程会让你在最短时间内最省劲儿地提高复原魔方的速度。 站长推荐初学CFOP的魔友先学简版CFOP教程,简版CFOP教程在入门玩法的基础上只要再学7-10 …
CFOP Method: Rubik's Cube Speedsolving - wikiHow
2025年2月13日 · The CFOP method allows you to solve a Rubik's cube using 4 steps: Cross, first two layers (F2L), orient the last layer (OLL), then permute the last layer (PLL). This method is favored by the fastest speedsolvers because it relies primarily on muscle memory and algorithms, which allows you to get faster through repetition.
How to Speedsolve the Rubik's Cube - CFOP Method Explained
Learn how to speedsolve the Rubik's Cube lihgtning fast using the popular CFOP method (Fridrich Method). Simple explanations with images and animations, and lots of tips and tricks.
CFOP method - Wikipedia
The CFOP method (Cross – F2L (first 2 layers) – OLL (orientate last layer) – PLL (permutate last layer)), also known as the Fridrich method, is one of the most commonly used methods in speedsolving a 3×3×3 Rubik's Cube. It is one of the fastest methods with the other most notable ones being Roux and ZZ.
2016年2月8日 · This method is called Fridrich Method, and also CFOP, because of the four parts this method can be divided into: • Cross: Make a cross in a face and match the edges that form it with the center pieces of the faces next to the cross. •F2L: First Two Layers. The aim is to complete two layers of the cube: the one containing the cross and the ...
CFOP method - Speedsolving.com Wiki
CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL, pronounced C-F-O-P or C-fop) is a 3x3 speedsolving method proposed by several cubers around 1981. It is also known as the Fridrich Method after its popularizer, Jessica Fridrich .