GitHub - rgeo/rgeo: Geospatial data library for Ruby
RGeo is a key component for writing location-aware applications in the Ruby programming language. At its core is an implementation of the industry standard OGC Simple Features …
rgeo/rgeo-geojson: RGeo component for reading and writing GeoJSON - GitHub
RGeo is a key component for writing location-aware applications in the Ruby programming language. At its core is an implementation of the industry standard OGC Simple Features Specification, which provides data representations of geometric objects such as points, lines, and polygons, along with a set of geometric analysis operations.
Support for geo and databases in Ruby and Rails | RGeo
Support for geo and databases in Ruby and Rails. Thanks to @dazuma, author of RGeo. And to every contributors of the various projects.
Ruby Geocoder
Complete Ruby geocoding solution. easy to use • supports Ruby 2.x and JRuby • compatible with ActiveRecord, Mongoid, MongoMapper • result caching • proxy support • multi-lingual • Nominatim, Google, Bing, Yandex, MaxMind, and more • works with Rails, Sinatra, any Rack framework • command line interface
GitHub - alexreisner/geocoder: Complete Ruby geocoding solution.
Complete geocoding solution for Ruby. Key features: Forward and reverse geocoding. IP address geocoding. Connects to more than 40 APIs worldwide. Performance-enhancing features like …
rgeo | RubyGems.org | your community gem host
2022年3月22日 · RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. It provides an implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium's Simple Features Specification, used by most standard spatial/geographic data storage systems such as PostGIS.
RGeo is a key component for writing location-aware applications in the Ruby programming language. At its core is an implementation of the industry standard OGC Simple Features Specification, which provides data representations of geometric objects such as points, lines, and polygons, along with a set of geometric analysis operations.
File: README — Documentation for georuby (2.5.2) - rubydoc.info
2025年1月27日 · GeoRuby This is intended as a holder for geometric data. The data model roughly follows the OGC "Simple Features for SQL" specification, so it should play nice with data returned from PostGIS or any Spatial Extensions (MongoDB, MySQL...). It also supports various output and input formats (GeoRSS, KML, Shapefile). GeoRuby is written in pure Ruby.
2024年6月23日 · 今天,我们来一起深入了解一个简洁而强大的Ruby库—— Geo::Coord,它让处理地理位置变得前所未有的简单。 Geo::Coord 是一个轻量级的Ruby类,专门用于存储和操作经纬度对,它的设计旨在统一地理坐标处理的标准,简化地理数据的交互与计算。 这个项目虽小却五脏俱全,支持多种格式的转换,并且内置了精确的大地测量数学算法,如通过Vincenty公式计算距离和方向,为开发者提供了处理地理坐标的一站式解决方案。 Geo::Coord的设计遵循了极简主 …
An introduction to Spatial Programming With RGeo
2011年5月23日 · RGeo provides a Ruby wrapper around the Proj interface, and integrates proj into its representation of geometric objects. You can use the Proj syntax to specify the coordinate system for input data, and tell RGeo to translate it to a …
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