有什么值得推荐的苦艾酒,另外在哪里可以买到? - 知乎
在国内酒吧常见的除了绿毒(绿色骷髅头的那支),应该就是捷克生产的鲁道夫苦艾酒(Rudolf Jelinek Absinth)。理由很简单,因为它便宜,外包装那只小妖精长得好看,而且薄荷深绿的酒 …
RUDOLF absinthe 鲁道夫苦艾酒 700ml - 什么值得买
2018年11月21日 · 苦艾酒是一种有茴芹茴香味的高酒精度酒,主要原料是茴芹, 茴香及苦艾 (wormwood) 药草(即洋艾 (Artemisia absinthium))这三样经常被称作“圣三一”。 苦艾酒是高 …
Absinth R.Jelinek 0.7L 70%
This product is reviving the mystical history of the traditional beverage absinth. Its special recipe calls for the maceration of selected types of herbs, followed by the unique distillation of the …
Rudolf Jelínek – fruit spirits
Genuine fruit spirits since 1894. Learn about the methods of production, history, and traditions of the RUDOLF JELÍNEK company. The history of spirit distillation in Vizovice goes all the way …
捷克鲁道夫苦艾酒_历史最低价格_就买酒 - 999mywine.com
种类:苦艾酒(Absinth) 产地:捷克(The Czech Republic) 级别: 品牌:鲁道夫(Rudolf) 葡萄: 获奖:
R.JELINEK - Absinthe
Absinth R.Jelinek 0.7L 70%. This product is reviving the mystical history of the traditional beverage absinth. Its special recip.. $59.00
商品 RUDOLF absinthe 鲁道夫苦艾酒 700ml - 什么值得买
苦艾酒是一种有茴芹茴香味的高酒精度酒,主要原料是茴芹, 茴香及苦艾 (wormwood) 药草(即洋艾 (Artemisia absinthium))这三样经常被称作“圣三一”。 苦艾酒是高更与梵高的最爱,众多艺 …
R. Jelínek Premium Absinthe 70% Vol. 0,7l - delicando
Jelinek Absinthe is a high-proof herbal liqueur that impresses with an alcohol content of 70%. The production is based on wormwood and is refined by the addition of essential oils from aniseed, …
ABSINTHE | R. JELÍNEK - Ty pravé ovocné destiláty
4 天之前 · Absinthe je tradiční bylinná lihovina z pelyňku, anýzu a fenyklu s vysokým procentem alkoholu. Speciální výrobní receptura Premium Absinthe R. JELÍNEK spočívá v maceraci …
其他家鲁道夫苦艾酒 捷克进口洋酒 烈酒RUDOLF absinthe鸡尾酒 …
其他家鲁道夫苦艾酒 捷克进口洋酒 烈酒RUDOLF absinthe鸡尾酒调配制酒 鸡尾酒调配制酒 700mL 1瓶图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受 …