GP100 Roper Style grips - Ruger Forum
2018年11月30日 · Hey there guys the Ruger GP100's I think they were Talo Exclusives there was 3 different Ruger GP100's a .327FM, .357Magnum , & .44 Special. All of these revolver's had a blued finish and 5 inch barrels and all of these had a Roper style of grips.
GP100 Grip Options Update: My GP100 With VZ G10 Grips - Ruger …
2023年12月3日 · While I've decided that the Hogue Tamer grips for my GP100 are unquestionably the best grips for enabling me to comfortably shoot 50+ rounds of full-house .357 magnum cartridges, I still found myself preferring the ergonomics and characteristics of VZ's G10 grips-specifically their Twister and 320 grips.
New Grips for my GP100. - Ruger Forum
2023年1月10日 · The other grips used and tested were the Ruger/Altamont Compacts, the Ruger full-size with wood insert side plates, VZ G10 Twisters, and VZ G10 320s. All were comfortable with .38 Specials and .38 Special +P cartridges, but with the .357 magnum loads, they became painful and uncomfortable after 20-30 rounds.
gp100 grips - Ruger Forum
2017年9月29日 · The grips made by Thailand's Jaruwan P. are a good value and a good product. I have his on this GP100 and have put others of his on S&W and Colt revolvers. I'm the contrarian and not as enthusiastic about the old Lett grips or the new versions sold by Altamont, Chigs and Shopruger. But that's why grips are a personal thing and not a universal.
GP 100 grips: what are your favorites? - Ruger Forum
2022年10月13日 · The large Ruger/Letts grip is too thin at the tang, and the shape cams my hand up at that tang-I found it to be the least comfortable of the grips tested. The Ruger/Letts (and now Ruger and Altamont) Compact grips were better, and much easier to carry (especially concealed) , but still induced pain after 20-30 rounds of magnum cartridges.
Small grips for GP100/SRH? - Ruger Forum
2010年5月23日 · The GP100 Hogues have a very distinct hump on the back, apparently to force one to hold it as high as possible. Alaskan Houge grips don't have such a significant hump from what I see in your pic or in Ruger's catalog. I gather you had Houge's "Tamer" grips that are supposed to provide extra cushion for the massive recoil in snub-nose .44 Mag.
Pachmayr grips on GP-100 - Ruger Forum
2017年5月15日 · Yes, the Hogue Tamer grips are a bit thicker than the standard Hogue grips. I have a set of the Tamers on my GP100 currently. If you are shooting 140 grain .357 magnum loads, or even the 180 grain .357 magnum loads, then the Tamers will dampen the recoil a bit more compared to the factory Hogue grips that currently come on the GP100.
GP100 grip sizes - Ruger Forum
2017年1月29日 · David, I have a Ruger GP100 Wiley Clapp II .357 magnum with a 3 inch barrel. I recently bought s set of the Ruger Compact grip that you can buy online at Shop Ruger. First off these smaller grips work great in taming the recoil of my .357 Magnum reloads!!!
GP100 wood grips that don't hurt your hands or eyes? - Ruger …
2024年6月5日 · Our Kimber still wears the original boot grips for pocket-carry, and the GP100 the rubber/wood combo Letts. These are nice for absorbing recoil and they look good. As ours is a working gun around the farm, that's all we need. You can get inserts in different wood for the Letts-style scales/grips/stocks (whatever you like to call 'em).
Changing grips on GP100 - Ruger Forum
2011年3月14日 · Didn't find anything newer in posts. I just got the Hogue Pau Ferro wood grips for my new blued gp100. I got them for 57 bucks open package on Amazon and find them much nicer than the original Hogue Rubber grips. They have less bulk and so fit my hand better and I love the smoothness. Wood is nice.