Modifications for P89 or KP89? - Ruger Forum
2008年3月21日 · I'm looking at purchasing a KP89 or possibly a P89 for general use,and home protection.I've seen some aftermarket grips and some sights for it,but that's about it-who's modified their P89 beyond the simple items,and what all is available for it? I really like the old "box" Ruger guns-Dad has had one for several years,and I always like it.
Ruger P89 | Ruger Forum
2010年4月24日 · Carried both the M9 and the P89 in it and both at times. Always ran the Ruger with the left hand and the Beretta in the right. They are amazingly similar in the way they shoot, the trigger pull and the feel. I also run Beretta mags in my P89.. the slot in the middle front of the mag is all you need.
KP89X - Ruger Forum
2016年5月10日 · P89, P944, P95DC, Ruger American 45, SW Shield 9mm, Security Six .357, Remington 788 7mm-08, Ruger MPR Save Share Reply Quote Like
P89 DAO (1995) rare or not so ... - Ruger Forum
2020年2月13日 · PC4 Police carbine 40cal Mini-14 / 581 series .223 Marlin Camp Carbine 9mm S&W shield 9 2.0/915 9mm& Bodyguard 380
Thoughts on P345 - Ruger Forum
2010年11月14日 · I am thinking about getting a .45, and am looking at the ruger pistols yet again. I currently own a GP161 .357 Magnum and a KP89. I have also about 300 rounds worth of experience with my dad's P95. They all have been incredibly reliable and I have had nothing but good things to say about...
P89 Safety/Decocker Thought - Ruger Forum
2022年2月22日 · This may seem a bit odd. I am very well versed with the manual of arms of my Weapons, and my KP89 is no exception. I did notice a peculiarity however: when the pistol is racked, and the safety/decocker moved to safety WITHOUT going all the way to decocker, the pistol’s firing pin is blocked, and the hammer is back.
P89 vs P89DC - Ruger Forum
2011年2月8日 · Looking to purchase a P89 and was wondering what, if any is the difference between the p89 and p89dc. Thanks
New (To Me) P89 and P97 - Ruger Forum
2011年7月18日 · I own the KP89 stainless, P89 blued and KP97,as well as every P series ever made, all are great weapons but the KP90DC has my heart. I am most accurate with my KP89 probably cause with the price of ammo I shoot it alot more.
Do I need a p89 - Ruger Forum
2022年2月27日 · Ruger p series, any version ruger alaskan ruger blackhawk 30 ruger gp100 kimber sis desert eagle 50 masterpiece arms MPA30T Glock 19, 42. Cimarron 45LC Ruger Gen I LCP's To name a few. They actually have a better success rate than my AR's which costed up to 5 tines as much, but i worked through the hiccups.
KP89 - Ruger Forum
2007年6月10日 · kp89 Jump to Latest 3K views 8 replies 5 participants last post by Pops 1 Jun 12, 2007