Glock P80 - Ruger Forum
2022年12月27日 · rmichael63 forum id #42703 NRA Life Member - since 1987 Ruger P series rule ... glocks drool
Is .380 " + P " safe - Ruger Forum
2025年1月19日 · Ream the chamber for 380, delete the locking lugs on the barrel, and you have a blowback 380 Glock. Not sure if there are any other differences but I doubt it. From what I remember those are the only differences. I think you can put a 25 slide on a 19 frame, someone was selling a 25 slide and claimed it could be used on a 19 or a p80 frame.
Glock COA - Ruger Forum
2025年2月8日 · I have a used "P80" I found at a pawn shop on layaway just because I wanted one, I have a surplus 1980s Austrian web belt and polymer holster for it. The G17 is like the S&W Model 10, it can never be fully "dropped " even if Glock just makes small batches
Bought a trigger pull gauge - some measurements... - Ruger Forum
2024年5月12日 · The best: 1988 Ruger Security-Six in 357 Mag. Just amazing trigger and hammer. 2nd best: 2011 Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk Hunter 44 mg. Very sweet surprise. Bottom of the list: Brand new Ruger SP101 9mm. Just purchased 1k dry fires. UGH, comparatively speaking. The Wranglers aren't so great either.
Security 380 Suppressed - Ruger Forum
2024年11月5日 · A forum community dedicated to Ruger firearm owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more!
New Glock Day from the Bass Pro - it pays to buy in person
2024年5月22日 · The first ones in the Lipseys batch were marked P80 , these are from the newest batch and are marked 17 but I didn't buy this to put away unfired so I'm not worried about it I just like the basic, utilitarian look of the Gen 1, when it was still the Austrian Pistole 80 without the light rail, FGs etc.
Security-9 compact vs. Security-380 for my wife... - Ruger Forum
2024年10月15日 · Unless you're dead set on a Ruger, I have a Glock 25 .380 (a Glock 19 in a straight blowback 380) I bought at Bass Pro. Bud's has them , they're easy to find . I took out the stock recoil spring and installed a 15lb. ISMI guide rod/spring WAY easier to rack, 100% reliable.
480 Ruger or 454 Casull - Ruger Forum
2024年11月25日 · In the 2nd edition of the Lee reloading manual, the 480 Ruger 275gr xtp max load is 1910fps at 2227 ft lbs of energy. The hottest 454 Casull load listed is a 260gr freedom arms hard core projectile listed at 1954fps putting out 2204ft lbs of energy.
P series mag compatability - Ruger Forum
2017年7月31日 · P89, P944, P95DC, Ruger American 45, SW Shield 9mm, Security Six .357, Remington 788 7mm-08, Ruger MPR Save Share Reply Quote Like
Ruger P89M - Ruger Forum
2024年12月3日 · Google "Ruger P94 police gun" and you'll come up with PoliceOne .com posts from 20 years ago posted by guys going through academies or who carry P89s and P94s on duty It feels like reading an archeological record now , guy is like "The Dept that hired me mandates the Ruger P94 9mm is it a good gun " posted in 2005 .