Rugii - Wikipedia
The Rugii, Rogi or Rugians (Ancient Greek: Ρογοί, romanized: Rogoi), were one of the smaller Germanic peoples of Late Antiquity who are best known for their short-lived 5th-century kingdom upon the Roman frontier, near present-day Krems an der Donau in Austria. [1] .
Rugiland - Wikipedia
The Rugii were an East Germanic tribe who probably migrated from southwest Norway to Pomerania in the 1st century. In the beginning of the 4th century, the Rugii moved southwards and settled at the upper Tisza in ancient Pannonia, in what is now modern Hungary.
Rugi - Wikipedia
I Rugi (in lingua latina Rugii) o Rygir, Ulmerugi, Holmrygir (in norvegese: Rugiere; in tedesco: Rugier) furono una popolazione germanica, che nel VI secolo riuscì a fondare un regno nel Noricum, rinominando quale terra Rugiland.
鲁吉人 - 百度百科
鲁吉人(Rugi),是 奥地利 南部 日耳曼 部落的一个种族,487年灭亡。 西元493年联合 狄奥多里克 (Theodoric)统帅的东哥德军队攻占 意大利。 鲁吉人曾于482年皈依 阿里乌派。 487年被西哥德人 奥多亚塞 (Odoacer)所率罗马陆军在维也纳击败,残存者跟随狄奥多里克复仇。 但是他们在东哥德人的国家里保持独立,有自己的行政长官,不与 哥德人 通婚。 随著 东哥德人 国家的倾覆,鲁吉人亦告灭亡。 鲁吉人(Rugi),是奥地利南部日耳曼部落的一个种族,487年灭亡。
Rugii (Rugi; Ruges; Rugians; Rugarians) - World history
The Rugii, a tribe of Germanics, lived at various locations in eastern and central Europe and played a part in the power struggle in Europe among other Germanic peoples, Huns, and Romans. The name Rugii is thought to be derived from a possible place of origin, Rogaland, now a county in southwestern Norway.
Kingdoms of the Germanic Tribes - Rugii (Rugians) - The History …
The Rugii were an East Germanic tribe which, in the first century AD, occupied territory on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea, in north-western Poland.
Rugi | Indonesian, Reformer, Educator | Britannica
Rugi, Germanic tribe that migrated from southwest Norway to Pomerania around ad 100 and from there to the Danube River valley. They were allies of Attila until his death (453) and then settled in what is now Austria. They then joined with the Ostrogothic army of Theodoric in its campaign to take over Italy in 488–493.
Rugii - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
The Rugii, also Rugians, Rygir, Ulmerugi, or Holmrygir ( Norwegian: Rugiere, German: Rugier) were an East Germanic tribe who also appeared in southwest Norway and who in 100 AD lived near the Vistula River south of the Baltic Sea in an area 900 years later known as Pomerania.
关于 – RUGI.AI
通过将创新技术与人性化相结合,rugi.ai 致力于指导学生的留学之旅,帮助学生找到自己的激情并实现自己的梦想。 我们的顾问遍布全球,包括亚洲、北美、欧洲等。
Rugi - mytribalart
Horn carved handle with tufts of horsehair. Nice scabbard with a magic symbol in dot technique and two old brass bells. The blade with clear laminations. The whole sword with very nice old patina.
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