Rugiaevit - Wikipedia
Rugiaevit, Rugievit (Latin: Rugiaeuit[1]) or Ruyevit is a god of the Slavic Rani worshipped on Rügen, mentioned in only two sources: Gesta Danorum and in Knýtlinga saga. His temple, along with those of Porevit and Porenut, was located in the gord of Charenza, probably today's Garz.
Rugiewit – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Rugiewit (łac. Rugiaeuit) lub Rujewit – bóg czczony przez Ranów wymieniony tylko w dwóch źródłach: Gesta Danorum oraz w Knýtlinga sadze. Jego świątynia, obok świątyni Porewita i Porenuta, znajdowała się w grodzie Charenzy, prawdopodobnie dzisiejszym Gardźcu. Posąg go przedstawiający posiadał siedem twarzy, siedem mieczy przy ...
Rugiewit — Wikipédia
Davor (Rugiewit ou Rugiwit) est une divinité de la mythologie slave. Dans l'hypothèse certes prépondérante mais discutable, il est la personnification locale du dieu panslavique de la guerre Péroun, lui adoré dans toutes les régions où la mythologie slave est implantée.
RUGIEVIT - the Slavic Tutelary God (Slavic mythology) - Godchecker
A local God of Protection on the Isle of Rügen in the Baltic Sea, he’s a savage deity with seven faces and seven swords. No, make that eight. He’s just pulled an extra one from somewhere. He was popular with the Wends, but nowadays most of …
Rugiaevit - Wikiwand articles
Rugiewit Sources Interpretations References Bibliography Rugiaevit , Rugievit ( Latin : Rugiaeuit [1] ) or Ruyevit is a god of the Slavic Rani worshipped on Rügen , mentioned in only two sources: Gesta Danorum and in Knýtlinga saga .
Marek Hapon 作品中的斯拉夫神话_The - 搜狐
2018年12月9日 · 佩伦(Perun):斯拉夫神话的主神之一,雷电之神,同时也司战争和锻炼,象征物为鸢尾花、马、鹰、橡树等,形象为一个有着铜头的壮健男子,坐在由公羊牵拉的二轮战车上,手持斧头或铁锤。 斧头抛出后可以自动飞回。 在基督化时期,他被转化为圣徒“雷电的以利亚”。 Rugiewit As a Warrior. Davor (Rugiewit, Rugiwit or Rujevit) 常被斯拉夫人视作主神佩伦的人格化身。 Bialybog and Czarnybog. Czarnybog Bialybog. 贝洛伯格(Belobog)与切尔纳伯 …
Ruevit Slavic symbol - Worldwide Ancient Symbols
Ruevit is a local, warrior god. He is the guardian and protector of the Isle of Rügen in the Baltic Sea. Symbolically, Ruevit is associated with autumn and the east.
Rugiewit - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Rugiewit or Rugiwit is a Slavic deity. In a questionable interpreatation he is seen as a local personification of the all-Slavic god of war Perun worshipped in all areas where the Slavic mythology was present. Rugiewit was worshipped by members of the Rani in Charenza in Rugia in a temple erected to this god. Rugiewit was personified as a 7 ...
Rugievit | Deities Wiki | Fandom
Rugievit, also known as Rugiewit, Rujevit, Rugiwit, Ruevit, Riuvit, Rinvit or Karewit, was a Slavic war god, as well as the tutelary deity of Rügen.
Rugiewit | Information, explanation, historical facts | iNFOPEDIA
2025年2月20日 · Rugiewit (Latin: Rugiaeuit), also known as Rujewit, is a god worshiped by the Rani, mentioned only in two sources: Deeds of the Danes and Knýtlinga saga. His temple was located in the Charenza stronghold, probably in today's Gardziec. Rugiewit was depicted as a statue with seven faces and seven swords at his belt and one in his hand.