Maps to Wards and Departments | Royal United Hospitals Bath
All the maps available from this page can be printed in either colour or black and white. However, the different parts of the hospital are colour coded to match the colour coding of the decor and directions within the hospital in order to make your journey easier.
Waterhouse Ward | Royal United Hospitals Bath
Waterhouse ward phone numbers are 01225 824054 and 01225 824097. Visiting times are : 11am-12 noon, 1pm-5pm and 6pm-7pm. Waterhouse Ward is located in RUH Zone B on the second floor at the end of the corridor. It is also called ward B55. Waterhouse Ward has 24 beds arranged in 4 bays of 5 beds and 4 single side rooms.
Title: Map and Directory DEFINITIVE NOVEMBER 2024 Created Date: 12/3/2024 9:09:12 AM
Map and Directory DEFINITIVE - Royal United Hospitals Bath ...
M/C Car park pay machine Motor cycle parking Car park pay and change machine E10 E10 b M/C M/C Disabled car park & Drop o˜ only * C33, C37, C41 & C42 can only be reached via First Floor, Zone C ... C41 & C42 can only be reached via First Floor, Zone C. Tags: Directory, Definitive, Bath, Map and directory definitive. ... www.ruh.nhs.uk. NHS B ...
Departments and services - Royal United Hospitals, Bath - NHS
Official information from NHS about Royal United Hospitals, Bath including contact details, directions, opening hours and service/treatment details
Map and Directory DEFINITIVE - Royal United - PDF4PRO
Ref: December 2016 / 1.1 / WEST * C33, C37, C41 & C42 can only be reached via First Floor, Zone C Supplies & Distribution Building E9 Surgical Short Stay Unit B B42 1. Tags: Directory, Definitive, Map and directory ... www.ruh.nhs.uk. NHS B&NES & Wiltshire Two Week Wait Referral Process August 2010 (revised Mar 11) 5 REFERRAL PROCESS ...
RUH is one of the closest hospitals with an A&E department to the park. It is on the outskirts of Bath & is outside the clean air zone. Leave the site, turning left. At the end of the lane turn right to the village. At the T-junction, turn left onto the A368 & follow for 3 miles to a roundabout.
Living Map
Digital map and data platform for the world's busiest and most complex places, provided by livingmap.com
Pulteney Ward | Royal United Hospitals Bath
Pulteney ward is located in RUH Zone B on the first floor at the end of the corridor. It is also called ward B40. Pulteney Ward has 30 beds arranged 4 bays of 6 beds (2 male bays and 2 female bays) and 6 single side rooms. There is a small communal day room with comfortable chairs available for use by patients and relatives.
Art Map (Inside Page) by Art at the Heart of the RUH - Issuu
2016年11月29日 · Read Art Map (Inside Page) by Art at the Heart of the RUH on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!