What is Rule Zero? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
Rule 0 simply put is that the GM is the final arbiter of all things in the game. He/she can change, make up, and remove any rule at any time. Most role playing game systems employ rule 0. …
Is there a limit to Rule 0? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
The abuse of Rule 0 will break the group, not itself. Since the position of "GM" is a social role that exists only insofar as the other participants agree on who fills the role, straining Rule 0 doesn't …
system agnostic - My players insist that I use “rule zero” for their ...
2016年5月8日 · Rule 0 is there to iron out inconsistencies and keep play from being bogged down by digging through manuals or developer comments on intention. This doesn't mean you …
dnd 5e 2014 - What happens when a creature drops to 0 hit points ...
2022年3月16日 · The only rule pertaining to player characters which doesn't involve damage is what happens after one is at 0 hit points: Death Saving Throws. Whenever you start your turn …
What RPG concepts does "rules as written" encompass?
2017年7月25日 · Ideally, these are things that if the GM does it differently than what is considered "Rules As Written," then the GM would indicate that this is a house rule, or some Rule 0 …
What are the major differences between D&D 3.0 and D&D 3.5?
2015年10月11日 · 3.5 just is better than 3.0. In the revision from 3.0 to 3.5, a large number of issues were cleaned up. There are some deep, serious flaws in 3.5 (and I say this as someone …
pathfinder 1e - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
2018年3月31日 · \$\begingroup\$ Also 'Rule 0' "Game Designer: Even with the vast range of options available, only GMs know what threats their players might face or powers they might …
What is the Oberoni Fallacy? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
2015年10月22日 · The Oberoni Fallacy is an informal fallacy, occasionally seen in discussions of role-playing games, in which an arguer puts forth that if a problematic rule can be fixed by the …
Does touching someone or stealing something from them end the ...
I'm answering a rules question. If we mentioned Rule 0 in every rules answer, there wouldn't be a need for answers. Just assume "Unless the GM rules otherwise" it is appended to every …
How could you balance a Druid transforming into an owlbear and …
2022年7月24日 · This might include some limitations similar to the usual Wild Shape restrictions on movement speeds (to rule out special powers like teleportation or petrification), a limited list …