Installing and using Run 8 in 2020 - TrainSim.Com
2020年2月15日 · Hey guys, I purchased Run 8 and Cajon in 2016 and I'm wondering what I need to install to be up to date as of 2020. I have: run8v2_install.exe run8_bnsf_cajonsub.exe r8_v2_cajon_update_11052016.exe r8_bnsf_cajon_sub_update_122314.exe Should I be using any or all of these, or is there a more current installer I can get?
Running Run 8 - TrainSim.Com
2025年2月1日 · A final point... 3DTS and Run 8 Studios have provided financial support for this site in the past, and helped ensure Trainsim.com's survival back in 2023 when the ownership changed and bank accounts were empty. If you have the means and would like to help recognize their support, give Run 8 a try.
Run8 Studios Update 18 and a new route. - TrainSim.Com
2024年10月17日 · Time to expand the SW some with the Fresno route that takes you on a journey from Fresno north to Riverbank on the BNSF and Covell on the UPRR . Many new industries to run and the ( M&ET ) Modesto Empire Traction with a MET paint job. This part is fun in itself. The session named Central California is a good starting point
Run8 Professional: An Operations Series - TrainSim.Com
2018年4月28日 · A new series I've been working on. This is a series of guides about professional operations in Run8. From Locals, to Amtrak Passenger Services to Yard Work and everything in between! Locals seem to be the main thing most people sttuggle with because of their complexity. This is the main reason why so many yards get backed up
Which Routes/Trainsets to Purchase - TrainSim.Com
2022年2月17日 · The scenery is well done, and not so repetitive. Seligman offers more room and an opportunity to experience Run8's version of an OpenRails classic. The scenery is very repetitive, and there are few industries. However, it can easily take 12hrs to run a Z-Train from Hobart to the end of Seligman.
New to Run8 - couple of questions - TrainSim.Com
2024年7月12日 · One thing you might look at doing is checking out 'The Depot' web page (can get the link from the Run 8 community listing) where they have some good resources, such as route maps, and train symbol explanation lists for, in this case, BNSF and UP consists.
Run8Studios V3 Update 11 - TrainSim.Com
Update 11 is coming out November 1 2023. Update will show date of 10.27.23 . This update has fixes for issues from users using the reporting site to the programmer.
Run8 v3 Update 9 Now Available plus New Update Manager
2023年7月29日 · The upgrade to vBulletin 6.0.8 was done Tuesday, January 7th, and after 18 hours, the only issues that haven't been addressed and need some help from the vendor are some missing icons and scaling issues for the few folks who don't have a square avatar. Total downtime was..... 12 minutes.
Run 8 Route Maps - TrainSim.Com
DAMS Run 8 Multiplayer servers. 24/7 servers open to public and a prototypical server which requires ...
Something is wrong with my Run8 - TrainSim.Com
2024年2月10日 · I have run the updater and it reports that all is good but I am wondering if I need to dump the whole v3R8 installation and redo it. Any thoughts? IBM XT i386; 512Kb RAM; 5.25" FDD; 1.4Mb FDD; 5Mb HDD; VGA 256-colour graphics card; AdLib soundcard; DR …