Jupyter/IPython Notebooks: Shortcut for "run all"?
2015年10月15日 · There is a menu shortcut to run all cells under Cell > "Run All". This isn't bound to a keyboard shortcut by default- you'll have to define your own custom binding from within …
sql server - Run all SQL files in a directory - Stack Overflow
ls | awk '{print "@"$0}' > all.sql This command will create a single SQL file with the names of every SQL file in the directory appended by "@". After the all.sql is created simply execute all.sql …
How do I run all Python unit tests in a directory?
2009年11月14日 · I have a directory that contains my Python unit tests. Each unit test module is of the form test_*.py.I am attempting to make a file called all_test.py that will, you guessed it, …
Google Colab: Run all cells until the current one
2019年11月20日 · Just select the cell and click on Runtime > Run before in the toolbar at the top of the notebook. Runtime > Run before runs all the cells from the beginning of the notebook …
githooks - How can I manually run a Git pre-commit hook, without ...
2018年1月17日 · To run on the working tree: pre-commit, which is shorthand for pre-commit run. To run on all files. pre-commit run --all-files. To run an individual hook. pre-commit run …
php - How can I run all seeders within database/seeds folder ...
2019年8月3日 · Instead adding all the new seeders files manually one by one into the DatabaseSeeder.php file, Is it possible to automatically run all files within the seeds directory. …
How to run all tests in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
2017年1月31日 · You can run all tests in a project by executing dotnet test on the terminal. This is handy if you already have the terminal open, but you can add it to Visual Studio code as well. …
php - How do I run all my PHPUnit tests? - Stack Overflow
2017年3月3日 · I have script called Script.php and tests for it in Tests/Script.php, but when I run phpunit Tests it does not execute any tests in my test file. How do I run all my tests with …
"npm-run-all" Is Not Recognized As an Internal or External …
2019年2月4日 · There are some pre-defined scripts, like run or test than can be executed with simply npm start/npm test or you can define anything you like and then run it with npm run my …
Running code cells sequentially in google colab - Stack Overflow
2019年3月13日 · To run all cells at a time just press ctrl+F9 or go to runtime menu on top and click run all option and all cells run at a time. If you want to run one by one then just go to …