利用Windbg分析高内存占用问题 - 个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否
2021年12月29日 · 本篇文章主要介绍如何利用Windbg分析应用进程中的内存问题,从托管堆到非托管堆的探索以及到内存的分配,接下来我们一起来探索吧。 近期有几位朋友使用我们的 Magicodes.IE 反馈在导出过程中内存暴涨,接下来我们通过windbg来看一下什么原因导致的。 我们先通过 address -summary 来看一下当前应用内存占用量。 Free 581 7df8`ef0c9000 ( 125.972 TB) 98.42% Image 950 0`064fd000 ( 100.988 MB) 0.00% 0.00% Stack 156 0`04380000 ( …
Windbg之内存里都有啥 - hzwanglw - 博客园
2021年9月20日 · To create a heap index, run ! bhi 0: 004 > . foreach /pS 0n20 /ps 0n1 (str {!da 01efa04c }) { ! sosex.mdt ${str} } This command may not work correctly without full memory info.
Debug .NET memory dump with WinDBG – crash course. Part 1
2016年11月3日 · Run !bhi (build heap index) and wait for a bit until the command completes. A .bin file with the same name of your .dmp will appear in the same folder. This only needs to be done once.
利用Windbg分析Magicodes.IE一次错误编写导致内存问题 - 冯辉
2021年12月11日 · 我们利用Windows NT堆来看一下,其实在Windows中大多数的用户堆分配器都在ntdll.dll中的NT堆管理器API(RtlAllocateHeap/RtlFreeHeap)上建立,比如说C中的malloc/free和new/delete,另外还有COM框架中的SysAllocString以及在Win32中的LocalAlloc、GlobalAlloc和HeapAlloc,虽然说这些分配器都会创建不同的堆来存储它们的内存,但是他们最终都要调用ntdll.dll中的NT堆来实现。 输出结果如上所示,NT堆内容好少....什么原因....好吧根 …
TEMPLE RUN 2 - Play Online for Free! - Poki
Temple Run 2, developed by Imangi, is an infinite runner where the player must escape from his enemy and avoid all the obstacles and traps that are found along the way. Traverse cliffs, forests and even mines, and help this fearless treasure hunter escape with the gold idol.
Branch History Injection and Intra-mode Branch Target Injection
2024年5月30日 · Branch History Injection (BHI) describes a specific form of intra-mode BTI, where an attacker may manipulate branch history before transitioning from user to supervisor mode (or from VMX non-root/guest to root mode) in an effort to cause an indirect branch predictor to select a specific predictor entry for an indirect branch, and a disclosure ga...
请问ARM代码中BHI NEXT1是什么意思?代码段如下 CMP R1,R2; BHI …
2014年9月4日 · bhi 是“无符号数大于跳转”,结合上一条指令CMP R1, R2来看,意思就是,如果R1大于R2,则跳转到标号NEXT1
Calendar • Annual BHI 5K Run/Walk - Bay Harbor Islands, FL
BHI 5K Run/Walk. Join us for our annual Bay Harbor Islands 5K Run/Walk through the tropical splendor of Bay Harbor Islands. When: Sunday, February 25, 2024 Race Morning Packet Pickup is from 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. Race time is 8:00 a.m. Where: Start will be adjacent to the Bay Harbor Islands Town Hall, 9665 Bay Harbor Terrace, Bay Harbor Islands, FL ...
The BADWATER® CAPE FEAR 50k (32-mile) route* includes 12 miles on Bald Head Island roads and trails, then ONE round-trip run to Fort Fisher on East Beach, making for 19 miles of beach running. This event has a nine hour cut-off to finish officially.
The Wadi Bih Run is the ultimate mountain adventure trail run, traversing wild mountainous areas, with two relay categories and three solo race categories. Escape the city and challenge yourself to be part of the unique Wadi Bih Run which has become the classic sporting event of the region – held since 1993.