Add or Remove Default Desktop Icons in Windows 10 | Tutorials
2019年12月23日 · If you like, you can open Run (Win+R), type the desk.cpl ,5 or rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0 command into Run, and click/tap on OK to directly open Desktop Icon Settings at step 4 below instead. 2 Click/tap on Themes on the left side, and click/tap on the Desktop icon settings link on the right side under Related Settings ...
PowerShell Scripting - Run a Script from Shortcut | Tutorials - Ten …
2017年11月7日 · You can right click script and select Run with PowerShell, open it in PowerShell and run manually, run it from another script or call PowerShell to run it from Command Prompt or a batch file, but you can't associate .ps1 (PS script …
Remove yellow/blue sheild icon from shortcuts - Ten Forums
2016年12月23日 · I still find it easier to extract the original icon modify it with IcoFX as per the instructions in the original tutorial then use ResHacker to replace it to a copy of imageres.dll then to solve the issue of Windows not pasting the file when trying to replace the original, copy the modded one to the Windows folder and copy it again from there then go to into the System32 …
"Desktop icon settings" does not work anymore - Ten Forums
2019年8月31日 · Desktop Icon Settings <-- This works, where the Settings > Themes > Desktop icon settings failed Mouse Pointers Notification Area Icons System Icons So far so good. Bree suggested Start > Run > Rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0 That works, too. So now I have two ways to invoke the Desktop Icons dialog box. S'good.
Create Elevated Shortcut without UAC prompt in Windows 10
2021年7月9日 · If you want to run an app as administrator (elevated) without getting a UAC prompt or at startup, then you can create an elevated task to run the application as a workaround to do so. This tutorial will show you how to create a shortcut of an elevated task to run an app as administrator without getting a UAC prompt in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Change Default Icon for This PC in Windows 10 | Tutorials - Ten …
2017年8月14日 · If you like, you can open Run (Win+R), enter the command below into Run, and click/tap on OK to directly open Desktop Icon Settings at step 4 below instead. rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0
Add or Remove Run as administrator Context Menu in Windows 10
2024年9月17日 · When you right click on application (executable) files, you can use the Run as administrator context menu item to run the app with elevated rights (full administrator access token). This tutorial will show you how to add or remove Run as administrator from the context menu of apps for all users in Windows 10.
Add 'Edit or Run with' to PS1 File Context Menu in Windows 10
2023年12月4日 · How to Add "Edit or Run with" PS1 File Context Menu in Windows 10 A PS1 file is a script, or cmdlet, used by Windows PowerShell. This tutorial will show you how to add or remove a custom Edit or Run with cascading context menu for PowerShell .ps1 files for all users in Windows 10 .
Add or Remove Run as administrator Context Menu in Windows 10
2020年6月23日 · How to Add 'Run as administrator' to MSI File Context Menu in Windows 10 Some legitimate applications require a full administrator access token (elevated) to perform their functions or tasks. For example, when a program that you are trying to run...
Add NirSoft Advanced Run to Right Click Context Menu to open file
2019年7月10日 · When I right click on an exe file, go to send-to menu, click on Advanced Run, the exe file and path is added first line in Advanced Run, Program to Run. 2. Now to run any exe file through Advanced Run via the right-click context menu in Explorer, I edited the registry accordingly and exported the reg. file.