FslInstallation - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The FSL Install script will setup your computer such that you can run the FSL tools from a terminal. See our shell setup guide for details on what this script does. On Linux computers it can also be used to configure FSL for all users on the computer.
Windows11下安装FSL 最全图文教程 及 踩坑解决 - CSDN博客
2023年8月28日 · 通常大家使用FSL的方式有两种:(1)在Windows PC上额外安装一个 Linux系统,来使用FSL;(2)在Windows PC上安装一套虚拟机软件(如VirtualBox或者VMware),在虚拟机中安装Linux系统来使用FSL。 这两种方式各有缺点,第一种方式使得我们无法使用Windows系统的一些常用软件;第二种方式由于虚拟机使用的是虚拟 硬件,使得FSL的运行效率大打折扣。 鉴于以上问题,本文介绍一种 在Windows系统下使用FSL的方法,该方法既可以使 …
FslInstallation/Linux - MIT
FSL is available ready to run for 64bit Centos 5 and Centos 6. As distributed these Linux variants require no additional software to run. See the FAQ for help with running FSL on other Linux platforms (eg SuSE). The fslinstaller.py script carries out the installation of FSL, configuring your environment to enable you to run FSL from your terminals.
FSL - the FMRIB Software Library - University of Oxford
FSL is a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and diffusion brain imaging data. It runs on macOS (Intel and M1/M2/M3), Linux, and Windows via the Windows Subsystem for Linux, and is very easy to install. Most of the tools can be run both from the command line and as GUIs ("point-and-click" graphical user interfaces).
FEAT/UserGuide - MIT
To call the FEAT GUI, either type Feat in a terminal (type Feat_gui on Mac or Windows), or run fsl and press the FEAT button. Now set the filename of the 4D input image (e.g. /users/sibelius/origfunc.nii.gz) by pressing Select 4D data.
FSL - Harvard University
To do this, log in as the user wishing to run FSL and execute the installer with the -e option, eg: Visit our checksums page to download the MD5 sum file that matches the .tar.gz package you have downloaded. Make sure that the .md5 file is in the same directory as the .tar.gz file and in a terminal, type: for example.
FSL - Harvard University
2008年8月1日 · To run the FSL tools from the command line, you can find the tools in $FSLDIR/bin. In general command-line programs are lower case (e.g. ' bet '). In general the GUI version is capitalised (e.g. ' Bet '), except on Mac, where '_gui' is appended because those file systems can't tell the difference between upper and lower case (e.g. ' Bet_gui ').
FSL FAQ - ftp.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Does the software run on the FEEDS example data? If you cannot resolve the problem then please run the command: fslerrorreport in the directory that the problem occurred. The output from this gives information on log files, the platform are you running FSL on: CPU type, OS type & version, how much RAM, Swap space etc. is available, etc.
neurolabusc/fsl_sub: parallel FSL processing without requiring SGE - GitHub
2017年1月29日 · By simply installing this tiny file, FSL will run on parallel on any desktop or laptop. Specifically, any task that would have used SGE if it was available will be spawned to all your available CPUs. This solution is described in more detail on my optimizing FSL web page.
Installation Instructions — FSL-MRS 2.4.2 documentation
To install the full FSL package in WSL, follow the instructions online. Alternatively, as of V1.1.13 of FSL-MRS the python-only FSL-MRS package can be run in native Windows alongside a WSL FSL installation. This can be achieved as follows: Enable WSL and install FSL into WSL as described in the FSL install instructions.