UCL-ruptur - Metodebok
2024年6月11日 · Ruptur av eller avulsjonsfraktur av festet for det ulnare kollateralligament i MCP-leddet på tommelen. Skademekanismen er vanligvis fall eller skade der man får en brå abduksjon i tommel, f. eks fall på ski med en skistav i hånden. …
Thumb Collateral Ligament Injury - Hand - Orthobullets
2024年1月12日 · Thumb Collateral Ligament Injuries, most commonly ulnar collateral (UCL), are athletic injuries that lead to a decrease in effective thumb pinch and grasp. Diagnosis relies upon thumb MCP radial-ulnar stress exam and MRI studies.
Luksasjoner og ligamentskader i hånden - Metodebok
2023年3月21日 · Typisk skademekanisme ved en skade på det ulnare kollateralligament (UCL) i tommelens grunnledd er en radialdeviasjon av tommelen. Skaden er også kalt "skiers thumb" og indikerer et radialt drag av tommelen. Ved klinisk undersøkelse palperer …
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury (Gamekeeper's Thumb)
Ulnar collateral ligament injury of the thumb, also known as skier's thumb or gamekeeper's thumb, is an injury of the ulnar collateral ligament of the first metacarpophalangeal joint. Injuries are often sustained by activities or traumatic events that force the …
Rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb – a review
Skier’s thumb is a partial or complete rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb. It is an often-encountered injury and can lead to chronic pain and instability when diagnosed incorrectly.
Injury to Ulnar Collateral Ligament of Thumb - PMC
Although UCL injury is more commonly seen than its counterpart, RCL injury 13, problematic joint arthrosis, and laxity can occur in inadequately treated cases of traumatic rupture of the RCL 14. Most UCL tears occur at the point of distal attachment to the proximal phalanx (distal avulsion).
orto.nu: UCL-skada tumme
Vid misstanke om ruptur: sätt gips (tumklyka) och förbered för poliklinisk öppen operation med sutur av UCL, en sådan operation bör göras inom ca 3 (kanske 4) veckor efter skadan. Efter operation kan man räkna med gipsbehandling i 5 veckor.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Thumb - eOrthopod.com
When the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb is injured, the MCP joint becomes painful and swollen, and the thumb feels weak when you pinch or grasp. You may see bruise-like discolorations on the skin around the joint. The loose end of the torn ligament may form a bump that can be felt along the edge of the thumb near the palm of the hand.
Ulnar collateral ligament injury of the thumb - Wikipedia
If the UCL is completely disrupted, the physician must then determine whether there is interposition of the adductor aponeurosis (Stener lesion), or simply a complete rupture of the UCL with anatomic or near-anatomic position.
Kollateralligamentskader i tommel - Metodebok
UCL og RCL stabiliserer tommelfingerens grunnledd i radial/ulnar retning og sikrer dermed stabilitet i pinsett- (nøkkel- og kraft) grepet. I tillegg forhindrer ligamentene volar glidning av grunnphalang.