Rurik - Wikipedia
Traditionally, Rurik has been considered the founder of the Rurik dynasty, which was the ruling dynasty of Kievan Rus' and its principalities, and ultimately the Tsardom of Russia, until the death of Feodor I in 1598.
Rurikids - Wikipedia
The Rurik dynasty, [a] also known as the Rurikid or Riurikid dynasty, as well as simply Rurikids or Riurikids, [1] was a noble lineage allegedly founded by the Varangian prince Rurik, who, according to tradition, established himself at Novgorod in the year 862. [2][3][4] The Rurikids were the ruling dynasty of Kievan Rus' and its principalities ...
留里克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
留里克 (英語: Rurik,也作 Riurik, 古东斯拉夫语 Рюрикъ Rjurikŭ, 古诺斯语: Hrøríkʀ,830年—879年)是第一位被明確記載的 東斯拉夫民族 君主,也是第一個諾夫哥羅德大公,由他的姓氏「留里克」成為了後來 留里克王朝 的名稱。
Rurik | Viking Age, Rus’ Dynasty, Grand Prince | Britannica
Rurik was the semilegendary founder of the Rurik dynasty of Kievan Rus. Rurik was a Viking, or Varangian, prince. His story is told in the The Russian Primary Chronicle (compiled at the beginning of the 12th century) but is not accepted at face value by modern historians.
The Rurikids: The First Experience of Reconstructing the Genetic ...
The Rurikids were the reigning house of Rus’, its principalities and, ultimately the Tsardom of Russia, for seven centuries: from the IX to the end of the XVI century.
8.1: Rurik and the Foundation of Rus’ - Humanities LibreTexts
Rurik (also spelled Riurik) was a Varangian chieftain who arrived in the Ladoga region in modern-day Russia in 862. He built the Holmgard settlement near Novgorod in the 860s and founded the first significant dynasty in Russian history called the Rurik Dynasty.
The Rurikids: The First Experience of Reconstructing the Genetic ...
The Rurikids were the reigning house of Rus', its principalities and, ultimately the Tsardom of Russia, for seven centuries: from the IX to the end of the XVI century. According to the Primary Chronicle (the Tale of Bygone Years), the main chronicle of …
Rurik • History of RussiaHistory of Russia
Rurik settled in Novgorod, Sineus – on Belozero, Truvor – in Izborsk. With the vocation of princes, from 862, the history of the Russian State begins. Since these princes were from the Slavic tribe of Rus, then from them the land of the Slavs and Krivich was nicknamed Rus.
‘The first Russian ruler’ – a real person or a myth?
Rurik, a fictional portrait dating back to the 17th century. Supporters of the so-called ‘Norman theory’ argue that Rurik was a real historical figure, a Norman chieftain who stood at the foundation of the future Russian state.
Chapter 12: The Development of Russia – #OpenCourseWare
Rurik was a Varangian chieftain who established the first ruling dynasty in Russian history called the Rurik Dynasty in 862 near Novgorod. This dynasty went on to to establish Kievan Rus’. Understand the key aspects of Rurik’s rise to power and the establishment of Kievan Rus’.