Mid-Fight Masses | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
Mid-Fight Masses, also called by its full name Sarvente's Mid-Fight Masses, was a Friday Night Funkin' mod that adds in two weeks with 5 songs in total, cutscenes, and various other features, such as a remix of the Tutorial. In this mod, Boyfriend and Girlfriend are trying to look for a bathroom but manage to stumble into a church.
FNF: Sarv and Ruv Sings Zavodila - Play Rhythm Game Online - KBH Games
A mod of Friday Night Funkin and FNF Mid-Fight Masses where it is Tabi’s turn to sing Zavodila with Ruv. Two Russian get into an argument at church. Mod Credits: Mike Geno: Made the cover; Aight!: Sarv-odila Custom Charter, Did new Icons, and making Ruv as a playable character along with Sarvente! Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses Mod Credits:
Ruv - Friday Night Funkin Mid Fight Masses Wiki
Template:Quote+Ruvyzvat (R-oo-v-iz-vat) [1], Ruv (R-oo-v) for short, is a runaway criminal [2] and trusted friend of Sarvente 's in Mid-Fight Masses. He steps in when things get hairy in the 3rd song, Zavodila. A lot about him is shrouded in mystery, other than that, his singing is so powerful that it makes the church shake.
FNF: Zavodila Complextro Remix - Play Rhythm Game Online - KBH Games
A mod of Friday Night Funkin and FNF Mid-Fight Masses where Boyfriend rap-battle against Ruv sings to the Zavodila Complextro Remix.
Ruv | Fnf Wiki | Fandom
Ruv. Sign in to edit History Purge Talk (0) კარგი თამაში Categories Categories: Characters; Male; Non Human Characters; 20 age; Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Advertisement. Explore properties ... Fnf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
Ruv | Mid-Fight Masses Wiki | Fandom
Ruvyzvat (R-oo-v-iz-vat), Ruv (R-oo-v) for short, is a runaway criminal and trusted friend of Sarvente's. He steps in when things get hairy in the 3rd song, Zavodila. A lot about him is shrouded in mystery, other than that, his singing is so powerful that it makes the church shake.
FNF超优质模组- Sarvente's Mid-Fight Masses --人物介绍之 Ruv
Ruv是该MOD的第三阶段的对手。 他本来接受了Sarvente的请求来到教堂,但却因Sarvente被打败而与BF进行说唱对决。 Ruv出生于一个贫穷的家庭,并且有一个悲惨的童年。 它不仅没有朋友,而且之后连家人也失去了。 不过,作为一个孩子,他有非常强烈的正义感,并且希望把正义带到世界上每个角落。 在成长的过程中,他意识到有很多地位极高的人表面上看起来道貌岸然,但实际上作恶多端,并且他们可以凭借位高权重而逍遥法外。 而对于他来说,即便他在做正确的事 …
Ruv | GameToons Wiki | Fandom
Ruvyzvat (R-oo-v-iz-vat), or Ruv (R-oov) for short, is a character in Friday Night Funkin' Logic. He is a runaway criminal and Sarvente's longtime friend/non-canonical boyfriend. A lot about him is shrouded in mystery. Ruv's skin is pale white with grey strips, almost metallic. He wears a grey...
Category:Ruv | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom
“I'd say break a leg but I might end up breaking yours literally, and I'm going to make this as painful as possible for you...” ― Ruv, Zavodila Characters/Mods that feature or replace Ruv.
FNF: Tabi vs Ruv Full week - Play Rhythm Game Online - KBH Games
A mod of Friday Night Funkin and FNF vs Ex-BF Tabi where Ruv got into a argument with Tabi and they settle it with a rap-battle at a fancy restaurant.
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