AMD Radeon RX 570 Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
The Radeon RX 570 is a mid-range graphics card by AMD, launched on April 18th, 2017. Built on the 14 nm process, and based on the Polaris 20 graphics processor, in its Polaris 20 XL variant, the card supports DirectX 12. This ensures that all modern games will run on Radeon RX 570.
Sapphire NITRO+ RX 570 8 GB - TechPowerUp
Sapphire NITRO+ RX 570 8 GB. 11266-09-20G; Graphics Processor Polaris 20. Cores 2048. TMUs 128. ROPs 32 ...
AMD Polaris 20, 1300 MHz, 2048 Cores, 128 TMUs, 32 ROPs, 8192 MB GDDR5, 1750 MHz, 256 bit
MSI RX 570 ARMOR 8 GB - TechPowerUp
AMD Polaris 20, 1244 MHz, 2048 Cores, 128 TMUs, 32 ROPs, 8192 MB GDDR5, 1750 MHz, 256 bit
rx570: 4gb vs 8gb? | TechPowerUp Forums
2018年11月22日 · if you play 4K games 8gb gpu,otherless 4gb is more than enough. but fact truth is that rx 500 series are NOT 4K games so forget it. but if you are smart and want good quality,fast gpu with great efficiency and want your gpu keep value later when you might sell it, chooce nvidia gtx 1060 6gb oc'd model for fhd gaming, gtx 1080 oc'd model for and ...
VGA Bios Collection: AMD RX 570 8 GB 8 GB - TechPowerUp
2018年2月24日 · GPU Device Id: 0x1002 0x67DF 113-xxx-xxx AMD RADEON RX570 8GB (C) 1988-2010, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ATOMBIOSBK-AMD VER015. sam8g.bin CCC Overdrive Limits GPU Clock: 2000 MHz Memory Clock: 2250 MHz PowerTune Limit: -50% to 50% Limits TDP: 120 W TDC Power: 112 A Battery Power: 120 W Small Power Power: 120 W Max.
MSI RX 570 ARMOR OC Specs | TechPowerUp GPU Database
MSI RX 570 ARMOR OC. Graphics Processor Polaris 20. Cores 2048. TMUs 128. ROPs 32. Memory Size 4 GB ...
VGA Bios Collection: Sapphire RX 570 8 GB 8 GB - TechPowerUp
2020年5月25日 · Sapphire, RX 570 PULSE 8GB ITX, Radeon RX 570 Series, Видеокарта SAPPHIRE Radeon RX 570 PULSE 8GB ITX AMD, RX570, DVI/HDMI/DP, 1244/1750 mHz(11266-37-20G) (1244 / 1750) Download Now or Find compatible BIOS
VGA Bios Collection: Sapphire RX 570 8 GB - TechPowerUp
2017年3月22日 · Sapphire RX 570 8 GB BIOS ... 0x1002 0x67DF 113-2E366AU-X4Z E366 Polaris20 XL A1 GDDR5 256Mx32 8GB (C ...
VGA Bios Collection: Sapphire RX 570 8 GB - TechPowerUp
2019年4月11日 · Sapphire RX 570 8 GB BIOS ... 0x1002 0x67DF 113-D00036-S01 D00034 Polaris20 XL A1 GDDR5 256Mx32 8GB 300e ...