RX-80BR Black Rider | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The RX-80BR Black Rider is a prototype mobile suit introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy. The third prototype created for the Pale Rider Project. Based on the RX-80 which is the base for all Pale Rider units and installed with THEMIS system which is a simplified HADES system found on RX-80PR-2 Pale Rider Cavalry.
RX-80BR黑色骑士 - 高达WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
RX-80BR 黑色骑士(Black Rider)是 RX-80WR白色骑士 的姐妹机,是苍白骑士计划的三号机,经常与白色骑士一同部署。 黑色骑士搭载有哈迪斯系统的试作型简化版系统——忒弥斯系统,激活时同样会令机体的传感器变为红色。 此外,机体还是用了试作型光学伪装系统,能够赋予该机高度的隐身能力。 此外,机体背部装有宛如天秤造型的试作型战术组件“Steelyard”,是可以透过高度电子战来掌控战场的战术实验机。 不过为了活用上述特性,该机无法装备光束兵器,因此被 …
RX-80BR Black Rider – MAHQ
2022年2月21日 · The RX-80BR Black Rider was one of three prototype mobile suits from the Pale Rider Project, which also included the RX-80RR Red Rider and RX-80WR White Rider. The Black Rider was equipped with THEMIS, a prototype version of HADES (Hyper Animosity Detect Estimate System) later installed in the RX-80PR-2 Pale Rider Cavalry.
1/144 HG RX-80BR Black Rider - amazon.com
"Pale Rider Plan" RX-80BR black rider, kit! From "Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy", the prototype No. 3 Black Rider developed in the "Pale Rider Plan" is three-dimensionalized in the HG series. Newly designed parts are added based on HG Pale Rider.
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求助,有点晕了,rx80系设定现在是咋样的 - 百度贴吧
2025年3月11日 · 苍白骑士系列用的rx80是基于79SP的次世代量产机,是吉姆,PR计划征用来当做素体 新漫画版的蓝色命运把BD2和BD3的素体从陆高改成RX-80,这里是奥古斯塔开发的高达,和苍白骑士系列没关系,这部千叶搞的剧情太烂又水还一大堆设定问题,可以开除
Developed as part of the Pale Rider Project, these units were designed to enhance the Earth Federation's combat capabilities during the One Year War. The Black Rider specializes in stealth and...
苍白骑士(RX-80PR Pale Rider)是《机动战士高达》外传Missing Link游戏作品的关联的MS,是以次代量产机 竞标 失败的RX-80为基础的特种性能赋予的改良机体。 [1] 启动键 (默认F)长按1秒即可启动。 RX-80PR Pale Rider是以次代量产机竞标失败的RX-80为基础的特种性能赋予的改良机体。 U.C.0079年,人类历史上最大规模的战争『一年战争』中期,以切肤之痛来感受到 战争 形势发生了革命性转变的地球联邦军,开始重视 联邦制 MS的开发。 在相继施行了『RX计划』的战 …
RX-80PR Pale Rider | The Gundam Wiki | Fandom
The RX-80PR Pale Rider is a prototype mobile suit featured in the Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link video game and manga. Following its successful mass production of mobile suits, the Earth Federation Forces began working on various modification plans as well as next-generation units. [1] .
HG 1/144 RX-80BR Black Rider, Premium Bandai - Pilot-Exia …
HG 1/144 RX-80BR Black Rider from Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy is now available as model kit high grade gunpla Premium Bandai. Tactical experimental aircraft equipped with stealth and electronic warfare equipment.
RX-80PR苍白骑士 - 高达WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
RX-80PR 苍白骑士(Pale Rider)是 地球联邦军 以RX-78系列机体为基础开发的特种改良机,作为搭载测试“哈迪斯系统(HADES)”——即高能敌意检测评估系统(Hyper Animosity Detect Estimate System)的测试平台,将其打造成了类似约翰福音中所提到的掌管『死亡』的第四骑士那样的高效杀手! 哈迪斯系统与 一年战争 早期开发的 EXAM系统 类似,由 奥古斯塔研究所 基于EXAM系统的数据开发而来,能够在一定时间内提升机体性能,并通过强制增加机师的大脑神 …