Ryo te jime - Wikipedia
Ryō-Te-Jime (両手絞) is one of the twelve constriction techniques of Kodokan Judo in the Shime-waza list.
両手絞 / Ryote-jime - YouTube
【講道館 YouTube公式チャンネル/ KODOKAN Official YouTube Channel】KODOKAN × IJF ACADEMY 100 Techniques絞技 / Shime-waza両手絞 / Ryote-jime#KODOKAN #JUDO #IJF_ACADEMY#講道館 ...
Judo – Ryo Te Jime - Black Belt Wiki
Ryo Te Jime – Judo’s Two Handed Choke. This page provides details for “Ryo Te Jime” (or Two Handed Choke) in Judo. This Judo technique is also known as “Ryote Jime”. All Judo choking techniques (Shime Waza) are dangerous and should be practiced only under the supervision of a trained Judo instructor.
Judo ground technique: Ryo-te-jime (two hands strangle 两手绞 …
2021年1月9日 · Ryo-te-jime (两手绞) is a classic judo strangling technique in ne-waza (ground technique). It can be done when you are on the bottom or top position. In this version, I show how you can execute it...
Judo techniques
A strangle. Facing your opponent, grip his right collar with your left hand and his left collar with your right hand, both thumbs inside, and strangle him by applying pressure to both sides of his neck with the blade sides of your both fists.Explore Judo techniques!
Judo techniques
Explore Judo techniques
柔道术语对照 - 百度文库
Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame (腕挫十字固): Back-lying perpendicular arm bar. Kani basami (蟹挟): Crab or scissors throw. Forbidden in competition. Ude-hishigi-hara-gatame (腕挫腹固): Side-extended arm bar, lower stomach against opponent's elbow. Ashi-garami (足緘): Leg entanglement. (Knee bar?) Forbidden in competition. Daki age (抱上): Hugging high lift.
Glossary of Judo waza (techniques) terms: Ryo-te-jime (Two …
Ryo-te-jime (Two-hands strangle) Summary This Shime waza (strangling techniques) uses both hands. Features of this Waza In the Ryo-te-jime (Two-hands strangle) Waza, Tori (Player executing technique) grasps the back of Uke (Player receiving opponent's attack) collar with both hands and strangles his neck. Waza details
Judo - Ryote Jime - YouTube
2008年8月28日 · Kodokan Judo Katame waza - Shime Waza - Ryote Jime.
Judo - Ryo-te-jime - YouTube