Born on date for a 317 (I understand it's not an exact science)
2013年3月5日 · The keys were stamped with an “SW.” In November 1997 S& W introduced this model as a 317-1 variation in a 3” Target Kit Gun also with a conventional hammer and the MIM triggers with pinned black blade front sight and micrometer click rear sight. .240” service hammer, .312” smooth combat trigger, available with Uncle Mike’s
Model 63 versus a Model 317 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2012年6月2日 · The more I read the less I know about these suckers. If I decide to go with the Model 317 will Smith and Wesson's lifetime service policy cover the gun if I wear it out? Secondly, is the difference in accuracy between the 317 and the 63 based entirely on a weight issue? If so how much less accurate is the model 317 versus the model 63?
S&W Model 63 vs Model 317 Kit. Differences? - The Firing Line …
2013年1月28日 · S&W Model 63 vs Model 317 Kit. Differences? Handguns: The Revolver Forum
Ammunition for S&W 317 Problem - The Firing Line Forums
2015年8月6日 · Ammunition for S&W 317 Problem Handguns: The Revolver Forum
Model 317 with sticky shell ejection - Smith And Wesson Forums
2013年11月8日 · Howdy, Does anyone have any recommendations for curing a relatively new model 317 with sticky shell ejecting. Works fine right after you clean it but after a few rounds she starts getting tougher. Was thinking of polishing the cylinder insides with a light metal polish like simichrome or...
S&W 317 22lr, snub or 3 inch? - The Firing Line Forums
2011年4月17日 · S&W 317 22lr, snub or 3 inch? Handguns: The Revolver Forum
Dry firing 317 and 617 revolvers - Smith And Wesson Forums
2013年7月16日 · I'm a new shooter and have just purchased a S&W model #317 22 cal rim fire revolver. When shooting at the range I'll fill the cylinder with cartridges then proceed to shoot at the target. While doing this I will frequently lose count of how many rounds I have fired and will rely on the 1st spent...
Model 317 AirLite .22LR ammo question - Smith And Wesson …
2012年4月3日 · I inherited my Model 317 AirLite with Rosewood grips and yes the trigger is a bear! I believe initially they are 12lbs….But after several hundred rounds run through it the trigger mechanism has loosened up and I have mastered the the feel of it’s double action quite well…I can hold a 4” group at 5-7 yards..
Model 317 kit gun springs - Smith And Wesson Forums
2018年3月28日 · In the 30+ years I owned a gunsmithing business (now retired) I tuned countless S&W's including a few 317's. I only had to replace 1 317 spring & that was where a bubba-wannabe-gunsmith shortened one resulting in misfires. It seems like I might have had to replace 1 on a centerfire but I'm not even sure of that one. Keep your factory springs, they'll come in handy later. The correct way to ...
Model 317 questions - Smith And Wesson Forums
2012年12月17日 · I love J frame S&W's, especially .22's; have a few 34-1's in various configurations and have had 17's, 18's Colt Diamondbacks, etc. but my 317 will shoot w/ any of them.