Carried My S&W 327 2 Inch Today - Smith & Wesson Forum
2020年8月13日 · The S&W Performance Center 327 - YouTube. Attached Images. 327KYDEX IAWB.jpg (57.7 KB, 50 views) Last ...
A S&W .327 Federal Magnum? - smith-wessonforum.com
2015年8月31日 · Originally Posted by Iadwm About 3 yr. ago a bud at the LGS called me . Said I should stop in and look at these stainless j frames (6 shot) in .327 Fed . they just got in.
Help- 327 PC 2” holster suggestions? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2025年2月10日 · A nice smooth leather lining would be much gentler on the applied finish of the 327's alloy frame. Have a look at the Lobo Gun Leather website, then contact the owners (Mark Fedders and family in Ely, Minnesota).
S&W 327 Holster for Concealed Carry - Smith & Wesson Forum
2010年10月23日 · S&W 327 Holster for Concealed Carry Hello: Not too long ago I finally came across a nice deal on a Smith and Wesson 327 Performance Center Aluminum/Scandium snubbie with the 1 7/8 inch barrel SKU number 170245.
Question for S&W 327 PC Owners - smith-wessonforum.com
2020年6月15日 · I have dry fired the 2020 Colt Python and the trigger action is excellent coming in at 8-9 pounds in double action and under 4 in single. I owned a 6 inch Python back in the day but regrettably sold it. That notwithstanding, I still love …
FS: *Price Reduced* 327 PC Pug Nose & Milt Sparks PMK
2018年10月18日 · For sale is a S&W 327 Performance Center Pug Nose and a Milt Sparks PMK. The Pug has never been holstered or carried and only taken to the range to test function (8 shots). I ordered the Milt Sparks PMK ($128) which took months to arrive. During that time I decided to go another route for CCW. All paperwork, moonclips, PC case included.
327 PC front sight - smith-wessonforum.com
2009年10月17日 · 327 PC front sight Hey guys I've been thinking about getting a s&w 327 (the 2 in model). It has that red ramp front sight but I was really wanting to see if a front night sight was available.
Anyone shoot S&W 327 8 shot? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2011年9月14日 · I purchased one of the S&W 327 PC JM versions with titanium cylinder and titanium shrouded barrel 9second picture in Colt SAA's post). I have only shot it imn matches with light 38 Special velocity loads.
S&W in .327 Fed Mag - smith-wessonforum.com
2023年12月23日 · I have a couple of questions re: 32's of recent manufacture by S&W. 1) Did they ever chamber a rev. for 327 Fed Mag. (seems I remember one).
S&W double action trigger pull - smith-wessonforum.com
2020年6月25日 · My S&W 327 is a Performance Center gun and it has an outstanding trigger. Double action on my Lyman Digital scale is a very smooth 8.133 pounds and single is 3.166. Could not be happier with the Performance Center action job on this gun. _____