PD 329 Revolver - Smith And Wesson Forums
2010年10月27日 · I just got word that my new S&W PD 329 revolver was on its way back from the factory with a new cylinder. It had only been shot about 200 times when I noticed deep scoreing in the ball end of the cylinder around each chamber. S&W sacknowledged that that was a recognized problem and replaced the cylinder.
Question for any members with a Mag-Na-Ported 329PD
2021年6月18日 · I have a 329 PD, haven't thought of porting it, but given the weight, I doubt it'd help recoil much. muzzle flip, maybe, some.. My 460V does benefit from having a compensator though, but that's a different animal.
329PD Rear Sight Fix | Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年7月15日 · i don't know why my piece is hitting low at 15yds with 240gr bullets. although i'm on target, it's always in the lower half of a 12"er. to hit on the bull, i have to hold nearly on the top edge. i have adjusted the rear sight elevation as far is …
Alaska backpacker IV | Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年12月9日 · WOW, I didn't even know they made a 3-inch 329 I carried a 3-inch 629 for years in Alaska before going to a 4-inch 329. " The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm , but because of those who look at it without doing anything."
Replacing the pinned front sight on a S&W revolver
2019年12月29日 · Then 2; stoning enough off the bottom so it can sit vertically in the slot. Once I got the fit where I wanted it, I put the sight in, placed the gun in a padded vise, then I used the new drilling rig to drill through the new sight, using the factory pin holes in the barrel as my guide. Here's my one and only experiment doing this, it's a Model ...
329PD Modified and then some.... - Smith And Wesson Forums
2023年3月7日 · Ok, take a look at this attachment, pretty much says where I'm at, at this point in the game,,,, as I said, Reaming the Cylinder Throats was a VERY-GOOD move, as I Shoot HC Boolits 90% of the time, and as per my Notes at the bottom of this attachment, the Dis-Coloration & Gas Cutting of the Blast-Shield is almost Non-Existent after about 3-400 ...
Just shot my new to me 329PD for the first time.
2021年7月9日 · Years ago I bought a new S&W model 337. Even standard pressure 38s were very snappy in the gun. Regretfully, I sold it on consignment in a local gun shop. A woman bought it. Made me think about turning in my man card. Just loaded some more plinking rounds today. Hope to have time to sight it in tomorrow. Recoil is snappy with light loads.
S&W Model 69 vs. Model 629 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年6月13日 · I’ve owned 5 29-629 from 4Inch 5 & 6 inch& a 83/8 I’ve shot a 69-& even tho I liked the 69.& 5 shots are ok I prefer the 29 it’s a 44 magnum it’s frame being a larger one makes since specially in the kick it has. I’ve got buddy that have 500 magnum & shoot it but it’s rare & far between. The cost to shoot it is outrageous .
Question about the 629-2 1/2" .44 Backpacker - Smith And …
2009年7月8日 · I think you have been the recipient of good advise; 4 inch barrel and Endurance package for heavy loads in a S&W 44 magnum. . .Now I see a 900 pound grizzly as 900 pounds of sinew and bone that can move upwards of 35 miles per hour. Ease of carry is comfortable and nice, but why send a boy to do a man's job.
S&W born on dates? - Smith And Wesson Forums
2020年6月28日 · Buy the book. It's got lots of good interesting facts about S&W products over the years. Amazon.com: Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson (Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson) (9781440245633): Supica, Jim, Nahas, Richard: Books It's about $40.