Review: The Smith & Wesson Model 422. - Rimfire Central Firearm …
2017年11月11日 · I agree ,these are fine .22 pistols, very high quality. mine is so light weight and very accurate even though it only has the fixed blade rear sight. these pistols are not widely …
S&W Model 422 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2022年8月24日 · Very nice and accurate pistols. The last model series made by S&W before they turned to poo. Not counting the 41 of course. Back in 80s was looking for a 32 frame size 22 …
S&W 422 problems - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2020年9月12日 · There is a "422/622 good disassembly link", posted 4/17/2020. Its about a page or two down. I would recommend that you remove the grips and compare to the posting. you …
S&w 422 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2012年10月8日 · I was poking around Armslist and saw a S&W 422 6 inch with all original box and accesories including ammo, the guy wanted $250 and I thought it was a good price so I …
s&W 422 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2023年12月1日 · The 422 will accept m41 magazines, in fact the package mag comes in is so labeled, it’s same magazine. I just traded off my 6” 422 Target and 4” field model. This series …
S&W 2206 422 622 rear sight | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2022年7月15日 · The fixed sights on the 2206 and 2213/2214 are different than the plastic fixed sight on the 422 and 622. Earlier versions were metal with 2 dots, later were plastic with 2 …
Model 41 VS. 422? - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2007年9月4日 · It was designed to give S&W customers another .22 pistol alternative at a reasonable price. Want a slim, light weight, accurate shooter that you can carry all day and not …
Mount System for S&W M422 | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2006年7月9日 · S&W “Other” Auto loading Pistols Rimfire Central is a forum community dedicated to .22 rimfire enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about .22 caliber pistols and rifles, optics, …
Rear Sight for 422 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2016年2月24日 · LPA TPU Rear Sight S&W 422, 622 Steel Blue White Outline Product #: 295533 LPA Sights #: TPU23SM18 UPC #: 765595220539. I spoke with the people at Brownells and …
S&W 422 sight adjustments | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2012年9月25日 · S&W used or still makes a big huge 4 position front sight that was used for some PPC guns and the like. It has an indexing wheel on it that engages 4 different independently …