S&W 5906 - Best 9mm Ever Made? - Smith And Wesson Forums
2012年8月24日 · The 5906 is certainly one of, if not the best full-sized, all steel 9mm service pistols ever produced. You will undoubtedly get arguments from those who think their particular brand is the best, but over the years I've used just about every make pistol offered and I have always come back to S&W's.
New Sights for my Model 5906 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2024年11月8日 · Hi Forum, I bought a very nice, slightly used S&W Model 5906 with the Novak low profile rear sight and standard post front sight for a 3 white dot configuration.
WTB (SC) Threaded barrel for a S&W 5906 or 3906 - Smith And …
2014年11月1日 · Hi everyone, I'm looking for a threaded barrel for a S&W 5906 or a 3906. Please P.M. me with what you have and a price (pictures would be great).:3953tsw: Thanks, Smee78
Light mount for 5906 information - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年1月1日 · Been looking with no luck finding a light mount like the ones that clamp onto the front trigger guard of Beretta 92. Anyone know of a company making one? thanks
3rd Gen S&W pistols; do they get enough respect?
2024年11月24日 · 3rd Gen S&W's were and still are a quality weapon. In the late 90's, I was on a full time federal SWAT team and our issued handgun was the S&W 5906 with Federal 9BP 115gr JHP.
Best SD/Range Ammo for S&W 9mm 5906? - Smith And Wesson …
2013年8月13日 · Hi! I'm new to this forum and was hoping to get some opinions on the best self-defense/range ammo for the S&W 9mm 5906, preferably not HP. I was looking at the Armscor 124gr 50041 or possibly the CCI Blase Brass but I understand it can be dirty? Of course the other issue is being able to...
5906 Barrel Question - Smith And Wesson Forums
2019年5月18日 · The 5906 was not the only 3rd Gen pistol to get a wider barrel hood in the later production runs. Unfortunately, there is not always a clear cut indication of when the cut over takes place because whenever S&W did an engineering change, there was an transitional overlap on the production line as old parts were used up.
S&W 5906 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2010年4月19日 · S&W has several variations on the 5906. As you mentioned they have the round & square trigger guard. Then come the TSW series with has box rails on the frame and light rail. Some have night sights. Which would add a little bit in value. Then you have the Modelo Militair series which have a melonite finish. And finally you have a few special ...
Accessory rail for 5906 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2015年5月21日 · I've got a 5906 not a 5906TSW. I guess what I'm asking here is can the equipment rail on the TSW be purchased separately and installed on my 5906?
59 series complete disassembly thread writeup w/pics
2011年3月18日 · Tomorrow, I will be picking up a 3rd Gen S&W (model 1066) that I just purchased. This pistol has the clicking trigger that Jim talked about as he explained the trigger play spring.