V Comp barrel for S+W 627 | The High Road
2003年11月21日 · Does anyone know how much it would cost to send my PC627 back to them and have a v comp barrel installed? Since I live in California my only option was the 5" slab side. It will one day be my ICORE open gun. Any help would be appreciated!
How Tough Are The Old S&W 28s | The High Road
2010年4月20日 · For some reason I've been wanting either a Ruger GP100 4" or S&W 28 4", I realize the the 28 will have more value over time this gun is meant to be a shooter. I never got the M22 I wanted and since I reload .357 magnum for my snub noses and Model 19-4 6"(I load them light for the 19, 158 grain...
M627 - Is strength compromised w/8 | The High Road
2003年11月28日 · I am not a metal expert. I find it hard to believe that SMith and Wesson would sell the 8 shot 627 if this compromised the cylinder, but my brother-in-law disagrees. He says the one thing that the N Frame .357 has going for it is the massive cylinder (he's a die-hard Ruger man) and with two more...
S&W, is there a problem? | The High Road
2004年9月13日 · Is there a problem with S&W guns of late. I never see you guys mention them much. Good or Bad. I have a model 457 that I have been shooting very well. I also own a HK compact 45 and a Styer M40. I am the most accurate with the S&W. Any comments about the pistol in general good or bad. Do...
Source for S&W Model 27-2 Serial Numbers and Dates?
2018年4月24日 · Post your gun here as we have a section for S&W and Colt. Include the serial number. This going to be a thread for those who are looking for a date of manufacture for their S&W revolvers. We'd need to know : a) caliber b) bbl length (from cylinder to muzzle) c) grips shape (round or square) d) number of shots/cylinder bores e) type of sights.
Chunky Snubbies: Fish nor Fowl or Sliced Bread? | The High Road
2020年1月18日 · This thread kinda piggybacks off the Big Bore Snubbie one from a couple of days ago, but it's just different enough I thought it might be worth a short discussion. By "Chunky Snubbie" I mean a revolver less than 3" (or maybe equal to, as I find that a bit debatable but I'm not a hardliner on...
older S&Ws VS. newer Performance Center S&Ws? | The High Road
2009年2月6日 · What's new Search. Search. Search titles only By: Search Advanced search … New posts. Search forums ...
Where to get moonclips and tool?? | The High Road
2008年10月18日 · Hi, I have a 627 pro up for sale but am rethinking that. I've had a few people trying to talk me into using the moonclips. They say I'll really like them. I'm still skeptical. Anyway, I only have 4 of the 8 round moonclips for a 627. Where is the best place to get/order more at a...
s&w victory trigger problem | The High Road
2004年3月31日 · I have an S&W Victory .38 Special revolver that I purchased used. It shoots fine, but when I release the trigger, if I don't allow it to come all the way forward, and I pull the trigger again, it doesn't do anything, that is, doesn't cycle the action, just clicks back. Other guns I have...
S&W Model 500 Speedloaders | The High Road
2005年5月17日 · S&W Model 500 Speedloaders. Thread starter Ricochet6826; Start date ...