Smith & Wesson Model 659 9 mm Variant-2 - Genitron.com
2025年2月22日 · Second generation double-stack semiautomatic pistol based on the the first generation Model 59. Stainless steel construction. Early variant had a rounded trigger guard and safety lever on left side only. Later variant had a squared trigger guard and ambidextrous safety levers. Fixed and adjustable sight variants.
史密斯-韦森659型手枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
史密斯-韦森659 型手枪在1982年推出,而且是 559 型的不锈钢型;除材料和稍重一点外, 659 型和 59型、459型及559 型都基本相同。 659 型一直生产到1989年。 在电视剧《X档案》里面主角Fox Mulder的P228被人偷来暗杀他父亲,复职后他改用的武器是 S&W 659 型,而他的拍档Dana Scully一直使用 S&W 639 型。 Fox Mulder.
The Model 659 Smith and Wesson – The ExhaustNotes Blog
2019年11月19日 · The Model 659 was the follow-on in Smith and Wesson’s 9mm semi-automatic handgun evolutionary arc, and it sold riotously well. The 659’s all stainless steel construction gives it a comfortable heft and provides a stable firing platform.
Smith & Wesson Model 659 Gun Review : 2nd Gen Pistol
The Smith & Wesson Model 659 is a 9mm DA/SA Pistol made in the late 80's and one of their 2nd Generation Semi Auto Pistols. These are quality handguns and built like a Tank.
Smith & Wesson Model 659 - YouTube
2021年11月6日 · Today let's revisit one of Smith & Wesson's classic semi-autos - the all stainless steel model 659.
Smith & Wesson Model 659, Cal. 9mm - Guns International
The S&W Model 659 was manufactured from 1982 to 1988. The pistols were fitted with a 4 inch barrel, ambidextrous safety/decock, fixed or adjustable rear sight, stainless steel construction, …
What Can You Tell Me About the 659 - Smith And Wesson Forums
2017年3月31日 · There is an area ad for a 659. It appears to be in good shape from the picture. I have never shot any of the older S&W semi autos but if reliable it seems it should be worth the $300 asking price.. Here is the picture posted with the ad
What are your thoughts - 5906 or 659? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2021年7月18日 · The 659 is a cool relic and more scarce gun. They are not rare, they are no extremely hard to find and S&W made many, but compared to the 5906, there are not nearly as many. There is definitely nostalgia here. You also have some easy grip options. The 659 is not a pistol that feels absolutely amazing in the hand — it is a massive chunk of metal.
Smith and Wesson 659 review - YouTube
Smith and Wesson model 659 2nd Gen semi auto #smithandwesson #s&w #9mm #stainlesssteel #2ndgen #semiauto #semiautomatic #459 #59
1985 Vintage Smith & Wesson Model 659 Pistol in 9mm
2015年4月27日 · This is a very nice all-original Smith & Wesson Model 659 in 9mm Luger caliber. The Model 659 is similar to the Model 59 but is all stainless steel construction. This is a …