Scaffold/matrix attachment region - Wikipedia
The term S/MAR (scaffold/matrix attachment region), otherwise called SAR (scaffold-attachment region), or MAR (matrix-associated region), are sequences in the DNA of eukaryotic chromosomes where the nuclear matrix attaches.
A comparative study of S/MAR prediction tools - BMC …
2007年3月2日 · Regions between the S/MARs (or S/MAR-clusters) may be under selective pressure not to bind to the matrix to allow for proper looping of DNA. Therefore, one way to improve S/MAR prediction may be to incorporate features of the neighbouring, non-binding regions into the model.
Mapping of scaffold/matrix attachment regions in human …
Scaffold/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) are DNA elements that serve to compartmentalize the chromatin into structural and functional domains. These elements are involved in control of gene expression which governs the phenotype and also plays role in disease biology.
S/MARt DB: A database on chromatin organizing S/MAR regions
S/MARs (scaffold or matrix attached regions) are elements of the DNA that attach the chromatin fiber to the proteinaceous network of the nucleus, the nuclear matrix or scaffold. Thereby they subdivide the eukaryotic genome into structural and functional domains.
Episomal vectors based on S/MAR and the β-globin Replicator
2019年12月24日 · We report the development of episomal vectors for the specific γ-globin transcription activation in its native position by activator Zif-VP64, based on the Scaffold/Matrix Attachment Region...
S/MAR与基因表达 - 百度学术
在真核生物的细胞核内,基因组是通过DNA的核骨架附着区 (SAR)或称核基质附着区 (MAR) (简记为S/MAR)锚定在核骨架网状系统上的.S/MAR既有一定的特征,又有多样性,研究认为它参与了DNA复制调控和转录调控等多种植内生化过程,通过重组,在目的基因一侧或两侧带上S/MAR后作基因转染或转基因动植物,发现整合后的基因表达有时可增强几倍,甚至上万倍,和/或显示位置独立效应.有些研究还报道,S/MAR能克服转基因在传代过程中存在的转基因沉默的问题.这些功效使得S/MAR将 …
Non-viral S/MAR vectors replicate episomally - Nature
2010年8月26日 · A pDNA vector system called pEPI, containing the mammalian S/MAR elements of the human β-interferon gene cluster, has been shown to be stably retained as episome for several hundreds of ...
The functional role of S/MARs in episomal vectors as defined by …
2009年4月17日 · The S/MAR of the human beta-interferon gene has been shown to support efficient episome retention and transgene expression in various mammalian cells. In Jurkat and other cells, DNA plasmid vectors containing Epstein-Barr virus origin of replication (EBV OriP) and the EBV nuclear antigen-1 gene mediate prolonged episome retention in the host ...
德国仪力信ERICHSEN 435(S)Mar 硬度试验棒涂层硬度测试
这是德国仪力信ERICHSEN 435 (S)Mar 硬度试验棒涂层硬度测试的详细页面。 产地:德国,是否进口:否,订货号:见说明,品牌:FIEDLER/菲德勒,货号:见说明,型号:435 (S),产品类型:涂层硬度试验棒,测量范围:量程3:0—20 N 灵敏度:0.1 N,试验力:量程3:0—20 N(N),允许最大高度:见说明(mm),外形尺寸:见说明(mm),重量:见说明(kg),加工定制:否,是否跨境出口专供货源:否,规格:Mar 硬度试验棒,适用范围:涂层塑料的表面的硬度。 表面痕迹是非常难看 …
S/MAR Element Facilitates Episomal Long-Term Persistence of …
To overcome this limitation and to generate AAV vectors that persist episomally in dividing cells, AAV vector genomes were equipped with a scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR). After a mild antibiotic selection, cells transduced with AAV-S/MAR established colonies that maintained long-term transgene expression (>50 population doublings ...