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Iliad (S)TEM | Iliad Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope ...
Discover the potential of the Thermo Scientific Iliad Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM). Delivering unparalleled insights into complex material systems with integrated features and real-time data processing capabilities. Explore the cutting-edge features of the Iliad with Jo Verbeeck from the University of Antwerp.
Transmission and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM/STEM)
The Talos F200X G2 is a 200 kV FEG Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) that combines outstanding quality in high-resolution STEM and TEM imaging with high throughput EDS signal detection and 3D chemical characterization with compositional mapping.
Metrios 6 (S)TEM | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
The Thermo Scientific Metrios 6 (S)TEM is a new-generation, fully automated metrology solution with enhanced productivity and data quality for high-volume TEM metrology. Featuring newly designed hardware and machine-learning-based capabilities, the Metrios 6 (S)TEM offers a 20% productivity improvement on average compared to previous-generation ...
Site-specific plan-view (S)TEM sample preparation from thin films …
In this work, a new method for preparation of high-quality, site-specific, plan-view TEM samples from thin-films grown on substrates, is presented and discussed. It is based on using a dual-beam focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (FIB-SEM) system.
STEM Microscope | Talos F200i TEM | Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Thermo Scientific Talos F200i (S)TEM is a 20-200 kV field emission (scanning) transmission electron microscope uniquely designed for performance and productivity across a wide range of Materials Science samples and applications.
Steam, The Ultimate Online Game Platform
Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games. With nearly 30,000 games from AAA to indie and everything in-between. Enjoy exclusive deals, automatic game updates, and other great perks. Meet new people, join …
FEI TALOS F200X S-TEM — Columbia Nano Initiative
The Talos Transmission Electron Microscope offers exceptional high-resolution S/TEM and TEM imaging, along with industry-leading energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for signal detection, chemical characterization, and composition mapping.
(S)TEM Tomography | JEOL Resources
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) | Tomography is a technique that employs a series of images successively recorded from an object at different tilt angles with respect to the electron beam in order to obtain that object’s three-dimensional structure …
A New Era of (S)TEM: Optimization of Optics, Detection, and …
2024年10月23日 · In this webinar, explore the power of fully integrated multimodal analysis with the Iliad (S)TEM, enabling advanced characterization of highly complex and challenging modern materials. Dr. Lee Casalena is a senior technical product specialist for materials science TEM at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
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