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TheS58engineisthesuccessortotheS55engine.LiketheS55engineintheBMWM4andBMW M2Competition,theS58engineisbasedonaBMWAGstandardproductionengine.TheS58engine isbasedontheB58TUengine,astheengineidentificationhighlights.
S58宝马新王登基,解析最强3.0T直列6缸 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
B58Tu的缸径和行程为82.0x94.6,而S58的缸径和行程为84.0x90.0,缸壁具有电弧涂层。 毕竟,宝马Mpower引以为傲的引擎几乎都是推倒重来,重新开发的。 MPower的整车和普通宝马的零部件共用率不超过10%。 这也是为什么,M3开起来完全找不到3系的影子一样。 这是宝马对M Power粉丝的独宠,这次的S58也不会辜负M粉丝的期待。 据悉宝马全新设计的缸盖采用了3D打印技术,由于其结构的复杂性,为的是更好的散热效率。 除了全新的缸体缸盖,全新的锻造曲 …
动力首破500PS!宝马S58诠释性能6缸机精髓 - 知乎
【太平洋汽车网 技术频道】作为车坛中最具力量的一台3.0T直列六缸发动机,S58自19年在 X3M / X4M 车型上实现了首发后,高功率版本达500PS以上的输出,以及“不依赖任何混动系统即可排放过关”的人设,令其面对对手排量更大的 V8引擎 时也能全身而退。 这篇文章将着重讲解 S58发动机 的技术亮点,以及其与前任——S55发动机的异同…… 10个方面解析S58发动机技术亮点. 常常被忽略的缸体. 缸体作为发动机的核心,承担着最严苛的热力学、动力学冲击,就像人的骨骼一 …
BMW S58 Tuning Potential - The Most Capable BMW Engine Ever?
2021年4月25日 · BMW S58 tuning, bolt-ons, and aftermarket potential. How good is the BMW S58 3.0L twin turbo engine? S58 specs, tuning, horsepower, etc.
"S58T" engine designation showing for G87 M2 Competition
2022年8月19日 · The G87 is showing that it'll come with an S58T engine. What's odd about this is that the G80/2's with the ' T ' performance class engine rating are only for the higher power output Competition models. The base G87 for EU and US markets has a …
BMW S58: Reliability, Efficiency and Tuning - BMW BLOG
2024年4月29日 · With a closed-deck design and a robust internal structure, the S58 strikes a balance between delivering exhilarating performance and decent fuel economy. Technologies like direct injection and...
先不管美醜,BMW M2搭載最強S58T引擎、後輪驅動、六速手排
2022年9月27日 · 近期在國外BMW論壇中,公布了BMW M2的動力詳細規格,首先會使用代號S58T的渦輪增壓引擎,這顆3.0升六缸雙渦輪增壓引擎最先由X3 M和X4 M Competition所使用,後來再被新一代M3和M4 Competition沿用,可以算是M Power車系中主力引擎配置。
BMW S58 Engine - The Complete Guide - Bimmer Merch
2024年1月31日 · The BMW S58 is a high-performance, twin-turbocharged inline-6 engine developed by BMW's M division. It is based on the B58 engine and is a successor to the S55 engine. What models use the S58 engine? The S58 engine powers several BMW models, including the M3, M4, X3 M, X4 M, and the M2, along with some Alpina models like …
S58 Engine: Specs and First Look! - BIMMERPOST
2019年2月13日 · "BMW found 5 more hp in the S58T1 through various intake and exhaust modifications to the S58 compared to last years X3 M for G80 M3 buyers, and it feels amazing like I just jizzed myself on the track in <some random place in spain> and was well worth the extra year wait and $71k MSRP" - Car and Driver
BMW S58B30T0 Engine - autostatistics.net
This page lists the S58B30T0 specifications for the engine built by BMW. Where listed, power output figures are based on the most powerful production variant of that engine, because some manufacturers use different engine maps to tune the same engine for better fuel economy, performance or to differentiate models in the range.