S1850M - Wikipedia
The S1850M is a long-range radar with a digital antenna array for wide area search in elevation. The S1850M is manufactured by Thales and BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies (formerly AMS UK). It is a modified version of the Thales Nederland SMART-L radar.
S1850M Long Range Radar - BAE Systems
S1850M is a long range radar for wide area search. With fully automatic detection and track initiation, it can track up to 1,000 air targets at a range of around 400 kilometres. The S1850M provides 3-dimensional track and plot data of the tactical threat and own forces within the operational environment
皇家海军Type 45飞弹驱逐舰勇敢号(HMS Daring D32)的S1850M D/L波段长程对空搜索雷达,采用SMART-L的天线与射频系统,后端接收处理则由英国GEC-Marconi设计。 此照片摄于2011年7月23日朴次茅兹军港。
S1850M - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The S1850M, originally named SMARTELLO, is a long-range passive electronically scanned array radar used for wide area search. It is a modified version of the Thales Nederland SMART-L radar, boasting a higher rotation speed, improved anti-jamming capabilities, a flexible signal processor and local consoles.
SMART-L/S1850M雷達 - mdc.idv.tw
S1850M是以SMART-L為基礎發展的衍生型號,用於英國、法國、義大利在1990年代開始發展的防空驅逐艦上。 在1994年,法國、義大利、英國合作的水平線(Horizon)防空驅逐艦重新選擇雷達系統(原本打算採用法國的Astral雷達),經過公開競標程序後,在1998年正式選擇了由signnal與英國GEC-Marconi(稍後成為Alenia Marconi)合作的SMARTELLO,後來改稱S1850M。 在1999年10月,英國退出水平線驅逐艦計畫,轉而發展本國的Type 45飛彈驅逐艦,然而英、法 …
请问45型驱逐舰的S-1850M雷达是不是有些多余 - 百度知道
2013年10月3日 · 不多余,桑普森相控阵雷达和S-1850M对空警戒雷达波段不同,桑普森雷达的波段是S波段,而S-1850M是L波中的D波段,波长比C波段短,D波段波长上限大概是0.6米,同时S-1850M也是电扫的,所以也不会差到哪儿去;而国产的052C上装备了中华神盾相控阵雷达,但是依旧保留了对空/对海警戒雷达。 而原因之一就是阿利伯克建造数量巨大,注重效费比,追求经济性,降低单舰成本,在基本不影响舰的主要作战功能的情况下,尽力简化舰的装备。 以“宙斯盾” …
S 1850 m - Radartutorial
S 1850 M is operating in the L band electronically stabilized, multibeam, long-range, 3-D surveillance radar for both air and surface detection. It is a derivative of SMART-L using parts of Martello S 723. The S 1850 m is manufactured by the British company BAE Systems in cooperation with Thales Naval Nederland.
S1850M | Military Wiki | Fandom
The S1850M is produced by BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies (formerly AMS UK) and Thales. It is a modified version of the Thales Nederland SMART-L radar. The S1850M is advertised as being capable of fully automatic detection, track initiation and tracking of up to 1,000 targets at a range of 400 kilometres (250 mi).
2023年1月20日 · S1850M雷达基于泰利斯公司的SMART-L体积搜索雷达,是主要防空导弹系统 (PAAMS)的远程雷达 (LRR),用于皇家海军的45型驱逐舰、伊丽莎白女王级航空母舰以及法国和意大利级地平线护卫舰。 S1850M系统是一种3D多波束雷达,设计用于提供远程空中和水面监视以及目标指定。 可以根据客户需求在生命周期内引入其他功能。 这使得雷达在不断变化的需求情况下成为未来的证明。 全自动探测和跟踪启动,弹道导弹防御系统的雷达部分可以在大约400公里 …
S1850M Archives - Naval News
2021年3月19日 · The Royal Navy HMS Dauntless Type 45 destroyer’s S1850M Long Range Radar has been officially completely revised since last week. The overhaul was part of the ship’s “Upkeep 2020” program and included a digital “factory acceptance test” (FAT), Thales said in a March 17 release.