The Kingsroad - Wikipedia
" The Kingsroad " is the second episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on April 24, 2011. It was written by series creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and directed by Tim Van Patten. [1]
美剧里的S1E2中的E是什么意思? - 百度知道
2008年8月24日 · 就是第一季第2集的意思episode2 = 第2集.
"Game of Thrones" The Kingsroad (TV Episode 2011) - IMDb
2011年4月24日 · Jon Snow goes with his uncle Benjen to the Wall. Tyrion joins them. Although his son Bran is lying in bed unconscious from his fall, Ned Stark must return with King Robert to King's Landing. His wife Catelyn stays behind in Winterfell, though there appears to be little hope of Bran's recovery.
Game of Thrones Ep 2: The Kingsroad - HBO
Tyrion Lannister wakes up hungover and filthy in the Starks' dog kennel, with his nephew Prince Joffrey Baratheon standing outside mocking him. Tyrion orders Joffrey to offer his sympathies to their hosts following Bran Stark's fall. The prince laughs at the idea, and Tyrion slaps him hard across the face ... several times.
Severance - 1x02 "Half Loop" - Episode Discussion
2022年2月18日 · Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a journey to discover the truth about their jobs. Synopsis: The team train new hire Helly on macrodata refinement.
《神探夏洛克》忠于原著的地方(S1E2) - 豆瓣电影
2015年4月30日 · 福尔摩斯对乡绅提供的数行符号进行破解,发现每一个小人儿对应的是一个英文字母,内容充满威胁。 最终乡绅被画符号的人打死,妻子重伤。 画符号的人是美国一个危险人物,对乡绅的妻子一往情深,后被福尔摩斯诱捕。 改编剧情节:Sherlock的同学在银行工作,银行有一晚被人潜入,在某幅挂画上留下黄色符号,同学于是向Sherlock求助。 银行的职员、跑中国报道的记者及博物馆员工相继被害,他们脚底均有一个黑帮组织的印记,这个黑帮专门从事文物走 …
TV: Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 2 Recap (2011)
2019年10月4日 · IMDb synopsis: While Bran recovers from his fall, Ned takes only his daughters to King’s Landing. Jon Snow goes with his uncle Benjen to the Wall. Tyrion joins them. We open with the crossing of the Dothraki Sea which is not really a sea but a massive meadow. Daenerys comes off as a bit haughty.
Hot Spell - Gunsmoke Season 1, Episode 2 - Pluto TV
Marshall Matt Dillon is responsible for bring law and respectability to the Dodge City in this western action-drama. In black-and-white. Matt must defend a gunman he despises from …
黑镜S1E2 | Fifteen Million Merits 一千五百万里程:这个荒诞的社 …
像在电影开头,男主刚醒的房间有一只虚拟鸡,这只鸡是第一个像我们传递故事设置的东西,它告诉我们这已经是一个高度科技化、非常先进的地方。 但同时也是一个压抑的地方,它剥夺了我们对真实物质的感受,鸡就算再逼真也不会是一只真正的鸡。 后面,各种各样的显示屏上又出现了辣妹广告,暴力游戏,骑车,电视剧以及恶俗喷水游戏等等。 当你把这些东西概念化时,你会发现这不就是我们日常当中所看到的东西吗? 我们日常生活中也是在观看这些东西的同时麻痹了对真 …
【好兆头第一季】S1E2 自翻/纯享/彩蛋 - 哔哩哔哩
【好兆头第一季】S1E2 自翻/纯享/彩蛋共计7条视频,包括:S1E2P1、P2P1、P2P2等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。