S201-C16 | ABB
System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characterist. ... 5.
S201-C16 - ABB Group
System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characterist. ... 5.
【ABBS201-C16】ABB S200系列微型断路器;S201-C16【行情 报 …
s201—c16是小型断路器,C16的意思是应用16A产品,S202-C16也是小型断路器。 微型断路器用于125A以下的单相、三相的短路、过载、过压等保护,包括单极1P,二极2P、三极3P、四极4P等四种。
S201-C16NA - ABB Group
System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characterist. ... 5.
【ABBS201-C16】ABB空气开关 S201-C16 S200系列 1P微型断路 …
s201— c16是什么断路器? - 百度知道
2023年11月5日 · s201— c16是什么断路器? s201—c16是小型断路器,C16的意思是应用16A产品,S202-C16也是小型断路器。 微型断路器用于125A以下的单相、三相的短路、过载、过压等保护,包括单极1P,二极2P、三极3P、四极4P等四种。 工
【S201 C16】ABB微型断路器_价格_图片_科旭机电
【科旭机电商城】专业销售原装正品S201 C16 ABB微型断路器产品,并提供S201 C16产品图片、价格、参数等相关信息。 全国联保、支持线上付款和线下交易!
S200系列微断S201-C16;10113609 - abb.com/cn
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4016779464406 EAN 2CDS251001R0164 Product ID S201-C16 Extended Product Type General Information A
ABB正品 S201-C16 小型断路器 微型断路器 小开关-中国传动网
产品设计了具有专利的底部安装卡,是目前市场上唯一无需借助螺丝刀方便拆卸的微型断路器。 多台产品用汇流排。 广泛适用于住宅、商业和工业所有的配电场合。 为规避购买风险,建议您在购买产品前务必确认供应商资质及产品质量。
ABB 16A 1 MCB, C型微型断路器, 72V直流, 253V交流, S200系列 S201-C16
从RS在线订购ABB 16A 1 MCB, C型微型断路器, 72V直流, 253V交流, S200系列 S201-C16 2CDS251001R0164 - S201C16或其他MCB并指定次日送货,可享受一流服务和大量电子元件享有更佳价格
ABB 微型断路器 S201-C16 NA'【价格 采购 图片】-立创MRO工业品
S201-C16 NA由ABB设计生产,立创MRO工业品采购平台现货销售。 S201-C16 NA价格参考¥45.45。 下载S201-C16 NA中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有微型断路器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
S201-C16 2CDS251001R0164 ABB Miniature Circuit Breaker S20..
Miniature Circuit Breaker - S200 - 1P - C... System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for …
abb空气开关 C特性 S200系列微型断路器 S201-C16 1P16A 低压 …
这是abb空气开关 C特性 S200系列微型断路器 S201-C16 1P16A 低压空开的详细页面。 品牌:ABB,应用场景:终端配电,型号:S201-C16,系列:S200系列,产品认证:UL,VDE,CCC,3C证书编号:2016010201918900,3C额定电压范围:交流额定电压1500V及以下,是否专供外贸:否,过压 …
S201-C16 | ABB
Con la gama de dispositivos modulares System pro M Compact, podrá encontrar una gama completa de productos de la máxima calidad, tales como interruptores automáticos, interruptores diferenciales, protectores contra sobretensiones, dispositivos …
S201-C16 ABB Control - Circuit Breakers - Octopart
Download datasheets and manufacturer documentation for ABB Control S201-C16. Find the best pricing for ABB Control S201-C16 by comparing bulk discounts from 6 distributors. Octopart is the world's source for S201-C16 availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts.
S201M-C16 | ABB
System pro M compact S200M miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. They are available in different characteris. ... 5.
overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit o different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism fo System pro M compact S200 miniature circuit breakers are current limiting. They have S201-C16 Miniature Circuit Breaker - 1P - C - 16 A Catalog Description 4016779464406 EAN 2CDS251001R0164
S201-C16 ABB Control - Datasheet PDF & Technical Specs
ABB Control S201-C16 technical specifications, attributes, and parameters. Mounting Type = Clip Mount / Terminal Contact Type = Bi-Directional Cylinder Lift / Poles = 1 / Width mm = 17.5 / Tightening Torque - Screw-Type Max.